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领导这一研究的是伦敦大学神经科学学院Thomas D.Mrsic-Flogel博士,其研究组主要兴趣在于大脑是如何编码信息,如何从一个或多个神经元上获得的信息传递到神经网络中。









Functional specificity of local synaptic connections inneocortical networks

Neuronal connectivity is fundamental to information processing inthe brain. Therefore, understanding the mechanisms of sensoryprocessing requires uncovering how connection patterns betweenneurons relate to their function. On a coarse scale, long-rangeprojections can preferentially link cortical regions with similarresponses to sensory stimuli1, 2, 3, 4. But on the local scale,where dendrites and axons overlap substantially, the functionalspecificity of connections remains unknown. Here we determinesynaptic connectivity between nearby layer 2/3 pyramidal neurons invitro, the response properties of which were first characterized inmouse visual cortex in vivo. We found that connection probabilitywas related to the similarity of visually driven neuronal activity.Neurons with the same preference for oriented stimuli connected attwice the rate of neurons with orthogonal orientation preferences.Neurons responding similarly to naturalistic stimuli formedconnections at much higher rates than those with uncorrelatedresponses. Bidirectional synaptic connections were found morefrequently between neuronal pairs with strongly correlated visualresponses. Our results reveal the degree of functional specificityof local synaptic connections in the visual cortex, and point tothe existence of fine-scale subnetworks dedicated to processingrelated sensory information.