《Cancer Biology &Therapy》同期也配发了美国杜克大学专家为其写得综述,认为“此项研究提示了CRT在抗肿瘤研究中的重要的潜在应用价值,为肿瘤预防和**提供了新的思路”。
Melanoma B16-F1 cells coated with fusion protein of mousecalreticulin and virus G-protein coupled receptor induced theantitumor immune response in Balb/C miceIn apoptotic progress of tumor cells stimulated by special agents,the calreticulin (CRT) was relocated from endoplasmic reticulumonto the cell surface. When used as cellular antigen to immunizeexperimental animals, these CRT-coated apoptotic tumor cells couldinitiate effective anti-tumor immunoresponse against homologoustumor cells, indicating the value of CRT in anti-tumorimmunotherapy. In order to develop an universal technique thatcould make CRT-coating more efficiently in the tumor cells, in thisstudy, a mouse CRT recombinant gene with virus G-protein coupledreceptor (vGPCR) was constructed and cloned into vectorpcDNA3.1(+). When resulted plasmid pcDNA3.1(+)-mCRT/ vGPCR wasstably transfected into the mouse melanoma B16-F1 cells, themCRT-vGPCR recombinant protein was synthesized. With themembrane-locating ability of vGPCR in the recombinant protein,mCRT-vGPCR was carried onto the surface of B16-F1 cellsefficiently. Overexpression of mCRT-vGPCR on the cell surface couldenhance the phagocytosis of B16-F1 by macrophages in vitro. WhenmCRT-vGPCR coated B16-F1 cells were used as a cell-antigen toimmunize mice, the specific anti-tumor immune response against thehomologous tumor cells was initiated efficiently. Our data in thisstudy may provide a new possibility for CRT-mediated tumor immuneprevention and treatment.
男, 1954年4月生, 湖北省武汉市黄陂县人. 生物化学教授, 硕士生导师,三峡大学医学院院长,三峡大学分子生物学研究所所长.湖北省有突出贡献的中青年专家, 湖北省高校跨世纪学术带头人. 美国肿瘤研究学会(AACR)**会员,中国生物化学与分子生物学学会会员. 2000 - 2005年, 美国Johns Hopkins 大学医学院肿瘤研究所Instructor 1996 - 2000年, 美国Johns Hopkins大学医学院肿瘤研究所Post-doc. Fellow1995年, 获北京协和医科大学分子生物学博士学位 1987年, 获湖北医科大学生物化学硕士学位 1996年晋升为生物化学教授1991年晋升为生物化学副教授 1987年晋升为生物化学讲师 研究方向: 分子生物学, 生物化学