在新研究中,Dowling博士与同事Paolo Innocenti及其瑞典乌普萨拉大学的TedMorrow在果蝇中获得了这一过程的令人信服的数据。
Experimental Evidence Supports a Sex-Specific Selective Sieve inMitochondrial Genome Evolution
Mitochondria are maternally transmitted; hence, their genome canonly make a direct and adaptive response to selection throughfemales, whereas males represent an evolutionary dead end. Intheory, this creates a sex-specific selective sieve, enablingdeleterious mutations to accumulate in mitochondrial genomes ifthey exert male-specific effects. We tested this hypothesis,expressing five mitochondrial variants alongside a standard nucleargenome in Drosophila melanogaster, and found striking sexualasymmetry in patterns of nuclear gene expression. Mitochondrialpolymorphism had few effects on nuclear gene expression in femalesbut major effects in males, modifying nearly 10% of transcripts.These were mostly male-biased in expression, with enrichmenthotspots in the testes and accessory glands. Our results suggest anevolutionary mechanism that results in mitochondrial genomesharboring male-specific mutation loads.