在这篇文章中,Dziarski领导的研究小组证实PGRPs是通过结合到**细胞壁的特异性位点,进而利用一种称为“蛋白质传感双组份系统”(protein-sensing two-componentsystem)的**防御机制靶向性诱导**发生**反应的。正常情况下**通常利用这一系统检测并**例如PGRPs一类的“畸形”蛋白质。而当无法**PGRPs时,**则会启动**反应。
Peptidoglycan recognition proteins kill bacteria by activatingprotein-sensing two-component systems
Mammalian peptidoglycan recognition proteins (PGRPs), similar toantimicrobial lectins, bind the bacterial cell wall and killbacteria through an unknown mechanism. We show that PGRPs enter theGram-positive cell wall at the site of daughter cell separationduring cell division. In Bacillus subtilis, PGRPs activate theCssR-CssS two-component system that detects and disposes ofmisfolded proteins that are usually exported out of bacterialcells. This activation results in membrane depolarization,cessation of intracellular peptidoglycan, protein, RNA and DNAsynthesis, and production of hydroxyl radicals, which areresponsible for bacterial death. PGRPs also bind the outer membraneof Escherichia coli and activate the functionally homologousCpxA-CpxR two-component system, which kills the bacteria. Weexclude other potential bactericidal mechanisms, includinginhibition of extracellular peptidoglycan synthesis, hydrolysis ofpeptidoglycan and membrane permeabilization. Thus, we reveal apreviously unknown mechanism by which innate immunity proteins thatbind the cell wall or outer membrane exploit the bacterial stressdefense response to kill bacteria.