伦敦大学医学院儿童健康研究所的PaulRiely及同事一直致力于寻找一种新技术能够增强这些心脏祖细胞的的活力。早在2007年,Riley等利用胸腺中鉴别的一种小蛋白胸腺肽thymosinβ4 (Tβ4)就成功地在小鼠胚胎中诱导心外膜中的心脏祖细胞生成了血管,成纤维细胞和心肌细胞。
De novo cardiomyocytes from within the activated ***** heartafter injury
A significant bottleneck in cardiovascular regenerative medicineis the identification of a viable source of stem/progenitor cellsthat could contribute new muscle after ischaemic heart disease andacute myocardial infarction1. A therapeutic ideal—relative to celltransplantation—would be to stimulate a resident source, thusavoiding the caveats of limited graft survival, restricted homingto the site of injury and host immune rejection. Here wedemonstrate in mice that the ***** heart contains a resident stemor progenitor cell population, which has the potential tocontribute bona fide terminally differentiated cardiomyocytes aftermyocardial infarction. We reveal a novel genetic label of theactivated ***** progenitors via re-expression of a key embryonicepicardial gene, Wilm’s tumour 1 (Wt1), through priming by thymosinβ4, a peptide previously shown to restore vascular potential to***** epicardium-derived progenitor cells2 with injury. Cumulativeevidence indicates an epicardial origin of the progenitorpopulation, and embryonic reprogramming results in the mobilizationof this population and concomitant differentiation to give rise tode novo cardiomyocytes. Cell transplantation confirmed a progenitorsource and chromosome painting of labelled donor cells revealedtransdifferentiation to a myocyte fate in the absence of cellfusion. Derived cardiomyocytes are shown here to structurally andfunctionally integrate with resident muscle; as such, stimulationof this ***** progenitor pool represents a significant step towardsresident-cell-based therapy in human ischaemic heart disease.