In Vivo Clonal Analysis Reveals Self-Renewing and MultipotentAdult Neural Stem Cell Characteristics
HighlightsIndividual ***** radial glia-like cells self-renew and generateneurons and astrocytesAdult neural stem cells exhibit multiple modes of self-renewal invivoRadial glia-like cells display heterogeneous behavior in the *****brainPTEN regulates quiescence, differentiation, and maintenance of***** neural stem cellsSummaryNeurogenesis and gliogenesis continue in discrete regions of the***** mammalian brain. A fundamental question remains whether cellgenesis occurs from distinct lineage-restricted progenitors or fromself-renewing and multipotent neural stem cells in the ***** brain.Here, we developed a genetic marking strategy for lineage tracingof individual, quiescent, and nestin-expressing radial glia-like(RGL) precursors in the ***** mouse dentate gyrus. Clonal analysisidentified multiple modes of RGL activation, including asymmetricand symmetric self-renewal. Long-term lineage tracing in vivorevealed a significant percentage of clones that contained RGL(s),neurons, and astrocytes, indicating capacity of individual RGLs forboth self-renewal and multilineage differentiation. Furthermore,conditional Pten deletion in RGLs initially promotes theiractivation and symmetric self-renewal but ultimately leads toterminal astrocytic differentiation and RGL depletion in the *****hippocampus. Our study identifies RGLs as self-renewing andmultipotent neural stem cells and provides novel insights into invivo properties of ***** neural stem cells.