领导这一研究的是美国康奈尔大学,德州大学西南医学中心Cecil H. andIda Green Center主任W. Lee Kraus博士,他曾就蛋白如何结合基因,调控基因组进行过深入的研究。
在这篇文章中,研究人员利用一项叫GRO-seq(Global Run-OnSequencing)测序技术,并通过一种新的生物信息学方法来分析数据,发现雌**信号能快速,有力,并以一种出乎预料的短暂方式直接调节很大部分的转录谱。除编码蛋白的基因外,雌**还调控了全部三种RNA聚合酶的分布和活性,事实上还包含迄今为止所有描述过的每一类非编码RNA,研究人员还**发现数千种以往未注明或未检测到的由雌**调节的基因间转录,为进一步研究开辟了新的方向。这为引发细胞分裂的雌**依赖作用提供了一个有关的更广的基因调解谱图。
A Rapid, Extensive, and Transient Transcriptional Response toEstrogen Signaling in Breast Cancer CellsHighlightsGlobal run-on sequencing shows immediate transcriptional effects ofestrogen signalingEstrogen regulates 25% of the breast cancer transcriptome rapidlyand transientlyEstrogen regulates the production of all classes of coding andnoncoding transcriptsEstrogen regulates the production of many as yet unannotatedintergenic transcriptsSummaryWe report the immediate effects of estrogen signaling on thetranscriptome of breast cancer cells using global run-on andsequencing (GRO-seq). The data were analyzed using a newbioinformatic approach that allowed us to identify transcriptsdirectly from the GRO-seq data. We found that estrogen signalingdirectly regulates a strikingly large fraction of the transcriptomein a rapid, robust, and unexpectedly transient manner. In additionto protein-coding genes, estrogen regulates the distribution andactivity of all three RNA polymerases and virtually every class ofnoncoding RNA that has been described to date. We also identified alarge number of previously undetected estrogen-regulated intergenictranscripts, many of which are found proximal to estrogen receptorbinding sites. Collectively, our results provide the mostcomprehensive measurement of the primary and immediate estrogeneffects to date and a resource for understanding rapidsignal-dependent transcription in other systems.