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中山大学等Nature Biotech发布测序新成果

                                                                                   中山大学等Nature Biotech发布测序新成果
近日来自中山大学、广东华南新药创制中心、深圳华大基因研究所、中科院昆明动物研究所和华南理工大学等处的研究人员合作完成了对两种猕猴属动物食蟹猴和中国恒河猴的基因组测序工作,相关研究成果在线发表在国际知名学术杂志《自然-生物技术》(Nature Biotechnology)上。

近日来自中山大学、广东华南新药创制中心、深圳华大基因研究所、中科院昆明动物研究所和华南理工大学等处的研究人员合作完成了对两种猕猴属动物食蟹猴和中国恒河猴的基因组测序工作,相关研究成果在线发表在国际知名学术杂志《自然-生物技术》(Nature Biotechnology)上。







Genome sequencing and comparison of two nonhuman primate animal models, the cynomolgus and Chinese rhesus macaques

The nonhuman primates most commonly used in medical research are from the genus Macaca1. To better understand the genetic differences between these animal models, we present high-quality draft genome sequences from two macaque species, the cynomolgus/crab-eating macaque and the Chinese rhesus macaque. Comparison with the previously sequenced Indian rhesus macaque reveals that all three macaques maintain abundant genetic heterogeneity, including millions of single-nucleotide substitutions and many insertions, deletions and gross chromosomal rearrangements. By assessing genetic regions with reduced variability, we identify genes in each macaque species that may have experienced positive selection. Genetic divergence patterns suggest that the cynomolgus macaque genome has been shaped by introgression after hybridization with the Chinese rhesus macaque. Macaque genes display a high degree of sequence similarity with human disease gene ortholog and drug targets. However, we identify several putatively dysfunctional genetic differences between the three macaque species, which may explain functional differences between them previously observed in clinical studies.