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来自美国叶史瓦大学爱因斯坦医学院的研究人员发表了题为“Chaperone-Mediated Autophagy Is Required for Tumor Growth”的文章,发现癌细胞能进入一种天然的循环系统,获取分裂所需的能量,研究人员通过遗传工程关闭了这一循环系统,结果发现成果阻止了肿瘤的生长,以及扩散,这一研究发现的癌症的这一致命伤也许能用于癌症**中。相关研究成果公布在《Science-Translational Medicine》杂志上。
来自美国叶史瓦大学爱因斯坦医学院的研究人员发表了题为“Chaperone-Mediated Autophagy Is Required for Tumor Growth”的文章,发现癌细胞能进入一种天然的循环系统,获取分裂所需的能量,研究人员通过遗传工程关闭了这一循环系统,结果发现成果阻止了肿瘤的生长,以及扩散,这一研究发现的癌症的这一致命伤也许能用于癌症**中。相关研究成果公布在《Science-Translational Medicine》杂志上。

领导这一研究的是爱因斯坦医学院的Ana Maria Cuervo教授,这位多产的科学家是分子伴侣自噬研究的开创者之一,细胞的自噬作用在维持细胞内环境的稳定中起重要作用,自噬作用的两条基本通路是巨噬作用和分子伴侣介导的自噬作用(CMA)。Cuervo教授表示,“溶酶体就像是小型资源回收厂,在其中,细胞的废物被转换成能量。癌症细胞似乎学会如何将这套系统优化,以获取其所需能量。”






2010年,美国科学促进会(AAAS)创办了新周刊:《Science-Translational Medicine》,由美国国立卫生研究院(NIH)前任院长伊莱亚斯·瑞尔霍尼出任期刊的**科学顾问,周刊主要关注加速将我们在生物机制研究领域的惊人进展转化为预防和**人类**的新方法。


Chaperone-Mediated Autophagy Is Required for Tumor Growth

The cellular process of autophagy (literally “self-eating”) is important for maintaining the homeostasis and bioenergeticsof mammalian cells. Two of the best-studied mechanisms of autophagy are macroautophagy and chaperone-mediated autophagy (CMA).Changes in macroautophagy activity have been described in cancer cells and in solid tumors, and inhibition of macroautophagypromotes tumorigenesis. Because normal cells respond to inhibition of macroautophagy by up-regulation of the CMA pathway,we aimed to characterize the CMA status in different cancer cells and to determine the contribution of changes in CMA to tumorigenesis.Here, we show consistent up-regulation of CMA in different types of cancer cells regardless of the status of macroautophagy.We also demonstrate an increase in CMA components in human cancers of different types and origins. CMA is required for cancercell proliferation in vitro because it contributes to the maintenance of the metabolic alterations characteristic of malignantcells. Using human lung cancer xenografts in mice, we confirmed the CMA dependence of cancer cells in vivo. Inhibition ofCMA delays xenograft tumor growth, reduces the number of cancer metastases, and induces regression of existing human lungcancer xenografts in mice. The fact that similar manipulations of CMA also reduce tumor growth of two different melanoma celllines suggests that targeting this autophagic pathway may have broad antitumorigenic potential.