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近日来自新加坡生物工程与纳米技术研究所的科学家们发现神经干细胞具有天生靶向**神经系统以外肿瘤细胞的能力。这一研究发现在对乳腺癌细胞的研究中得到成功证实,相关研究论文发表在同行评议的先进期刊《干细胞》(Stem Cells)上。生物通 www.ebiotrade.com
在这篇文章中,新加坡生物工程与纳米技术研究所的王树(Shu Wang,生物通音译)博士领导研究小组获得了一个里程碑式的新发现,证实来源于人类诱导多能干细胞(iPS)的神经干细胞(NSCs)能够用于**乳腺癌。过去的研究曾证实利用源于**神经细胞的NSCs可有效**脑肿瘤。新研究**证实了iPS细胞衍生的NSCs能够靶向**神经系统以外的肿瘤,**原发性和继发性癌症。生物通 www.ebiotrade.com
成像结果显示iPS-NSCs定位到了小鼠的乳腺肿瘤上,并在癌细胞浸润的各种器官例如肺脏、胃和骨中累积。荷瘤小鼠的生存期从34天延长至39天。这一数据支持和揭示了工程iPS-NSCs是如何有效寻找和抑制肿瘤生长及增殖的。生物通 www.ebiotrade.com
“生物工程与纳米技术研究所具备生成来源iPS细胞的人类干细胞的专业技术,新型的基因传递昆虫病毒载体为开发**性的干细胞疗法铺平了道路。利用遗传工程神经干细胞双管齐下攻击肿瘤,我们的研究人员发现了可替代常规癌症**的有前景的新方法,”生物工程与纳米技术研究所执行董事Jackie. Y. Ying教授说。生物通 www.ebiotrade.com
相关文章:生物通 www.ebiotrade.com
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Tumor Tropism of Intravenously Injected Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell-derived Neural Stem Cells and their Gene Therapy Application in a Metastatic Breast Cancer Model.Stem Cells, (2012) DOI: 10.1002/stem.1051.生物通 www.ebiotrade.com
Human pluripotent stem cells can serve as an accessible and reliable source for the generation of functional human cells for medical therapies. In this study, we used a conventional lentiviral transduction method to derive human-induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells from primary human fibroblasts and then generated neural stem cells (NSCs) from the iPS cells. Using a dual-color whole-body imaging technology, we demonstrated that after tail vein injection, these human NSCs displayed a robust migratory capacity outside the central nervous system in both immunodeficient and immunocompetent mice and homed in on established orthotopic 4T1 mouse mammary tumors. To investigate whether the iPS cell-derived NSCs can be used as a cellular delivery vehicle for cancer gene therapy, the cells were transduced with a baculoviral vector containing the herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase suicide gene and injected through tail vein into 4T1 tumor-bearing mice. The transduced NSCs were effective in inhibiting the growth of the orthotopic 4T1 breast tumor and the metastatic spread of the cancer cells in the presence of ganciclovir, leading to prolonged survival of the tumor-bearing mice. The use of iPS cell-derived NSCs for cancer gene therapy bypasses the sensitive ethical issue surrounding the use of cells derived from human fetal tissues or human embryonic stem cells. This approach may also help to overcome problems associated with allogeneic transplantation of other types of human NSCs. STEM CELLS 2012;30:1021-1029.