- 入驻时间: 2007-07-09
- 联系人:张工
- 电话:13310057377
- Email:1455781146@qq.com
- 仪器仪表
- YG268
- YG60
- YG60S
- 各品牌灯管灯泡
- 影像测试卡
- 三恩驰3nh分光测色仪
- 其他色差仪 分光仪
- IMATEST图像分析软件
- 美国Thwing-albert 摩擦系数仪
- binder 宾得烘箱FD,ED,
- 三恩时3NH 光泽度计
- 三恩驰3NH DNP透射灯箱,摄像头测试标杆
- 电脑测色仪 色彩色差计
- 高品质电脑色差仪
- 爱色丽X-Rite分光测色仪
- 反射 透射密度仪 印刷适性仪
- 校色仪 屏幕校正仪
- 色差仪维修及配件
- 品管 配色软件
- 光学影像测试及照明光源
- 镜头摄像头测试用照明光源
- 分辨率测试卡Test Charts
- 爱莎ESSER Test Charts
- 图像处理及相关软件
- 标准光源对色灯箱及配件
- TILO标准光源对色灯箱
- 英国 美国进口对色灯箱
- 汽车检测光源 光源房
- 印刷行业用标准光源
- 灯管灯泡 灯箱维修配件
- 国际色卡Color Cards
- 德国劳尔RAL
- 日本DIC
- 瑞士NCS
- 蒙赛尔色卡MUNSELL
- 色阶卡 国产灰卡 常用色卡
- 光测量仪器 色温照度计
- 色温计 进口色温仪
- 照度计 国产照度计
- 亮度计 灰(辉)度计
- 白度仪 黄度仪
- 光泽度仪
- 叶绿素仪
- 更多产品 行业专用仪器
- 管路自动滴液系统
- 测厚规 涂层膜厚仪
- 电子天平 取样刀
- 染色机 小样机
- 色牢度摩擦仪
- 百格刀 铅笔硬度计
- 布料裁切机 手动自动
- 手持式检针机 台式皮带式
- 推拉力计 纽扣拉力器
- 放大镜 织物密度镜
- 红外测温仪 测速仪
- 旋转粘度计 熔体流速仪
- 其他测试检测仪器
电话:张志亮 13310057377
Mail :1455781146@qq.com
网址:http://www.tilocolor.com/ http://www.3nhcn.com
FBP120 TPX可撕色票
FBP120 TPX可撕色票 服装和家居色彩手冊_紙版 共兩册
Pantone Color Specifier_paper
每页有七个色, 每色下面有色号
色號例子 : 11-0601TPX
共 2100种色(*新版)
PANTONE 色彩手冊 Color specifier FBP120 TPX可撕色票
★包含色彩管理器 [COLOR MANAGER] 软件下载便于在数码设计时应用所有的PANTONE色库
PANTONE®color specifier
Ideal for non-fabric materials used to create products for home furnishings, fashion accessories, cosmetics and industrial design
•Two-book set features all 2,100 paper chips (includes 175 new colors)
•Each color has six large sized chips, perforated for easy removal
•Chips can be used to develop color palettes, communicate color choices or attach to design sketches
•Includes COLOR MANAGER software download enabling digital design with all PANTONE Color libraries
•Two- volume set includes all 2,100 colors
•Every color is numerically referenced and named and follows the same color and numerical format as its color guide complement.
•Each color has six perforated chips for easy removal.
•Individual replacement pages are available
•Includes color manger software for digital design
•Paper chips can be sent to multiple production sites around the globe and aid in the coordination of multi-component programs.
•A standard language of communication that is understood around the world.
•The PANTONE Colors are your benchmark standard that should be used to set up your primary color standards to be approved for production.
•Provides the most accurate and effective way to communicate and specify color choices to clients and manufacturers.
•As a production tool, any PANTONE FASHION + HOME color can be selected and communicated throughout the world by using the six-digit PANTONE Number.
•As a quality control tool, the consistency and accuracy of the PANTONE Colors assures reliable color reproduction time and time again.
•Color Manager software enables digital design with all PANTONE Color libraries