硅控可调万用电炉为工矿、企业、医院、大中院校实验室常用的加热设备,分为开式和封闭式两种。封闭式使用更**可靠,无明火。 Silicon Electable Stove are heating instruments often used by factory mines,enterprises,hospitals,college labs. It has tno styles:Opening and closing. The closing sloves are safer and move reliable in use having no flame.
型 号
Type No.
加热功率 (W)
Heating Power (W)
控温范围 (℃)
Temperature Contrd Range (℃)
工作尺寸 (cm)
Working Size (cm)
工作容量 (ml)
Working Capacily (ml)
外形尺寸 (cm)
Outside Size (cm)
苏公网安备 32048202000161号