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公司简介:genebridges    http://www.hbzhan.com/st166246/
Gene Bridges成立于2000年,是一家从欧洲分子生物学实验室分离出来的独营的公司,主要经营其**产品Red/ET重组技术的试剂盒。Red/ET重组是新近出现的一种基于λ噬菌体Red操纵子(Redα/Redβ/Redγ)和Rac噬菌体RecE/RecT重组系统的DNA工程技术。通过该技术可以简单、快速地对任意大的DNA分子进行插入、敲除、突变等多种修饰,而且还可对 长达80kb的DNA--片段进行亚克隆。由于重组反应的整个过程都是在大肠杆菌细胞内部完成,因此不存在碱基突变危险。该技术已被广泛地用于基因组DNA, 如细菌人工染色体、大肠杆菌染色体等的遗传修饰研究以及基因工程药物的研究和开发中。
K001   * Quick & Easy BAC Modification Kit 690.00 Blue Ice -80 ready Kit
K002   * Counter Selection BAC Modification Kit 795.00 Blue Ice -80 ready Kit
K003   * BAC Subcloning Kit 620.00 Blue Ice -80 ready Kit
K004   * Quick & Easy Conditional Knock Out Kit - FRT 690.00 Blue Ice -80 ready Kit
K005   * Quick & Easy Conditional Knock Out Kit - loxP 690.00 Blue Ice -80 ready Kit
K006   * Quick & Easy E. coli Gene Deletion Kit 620.00 Blue Ice -80 ready Kit
K008   *Direct-cloning-proficient E.coli strain GB05-dir 590,00 (until March 31st, then 620,00) Blue Ice -80 ready Kit
K009   *Recombineering-proficient E.coli strain GB08-red 590,00 (until March 31st, then 620,00) Blue Ice -80 ready Kit
new products with introduction price until March 31st, 2013
Additional Cassettes (no license required)
A001   Pro- and Eukaryotic Neomycin Selection Cassette (PGK-gb2-neo) 290.00 Blue Ice -20 ready 50ng/ul,20ul
A002   FRT flanked, Pro and Euk. Neomycin Select. Cassette (FRT-PGK-gb2-neo-FRT) 290.00 Blue Ice -20 ready 50ng/ul,20ul
A003   loxP flanked, Pro and Euk. Neomycin Select. Cassette (loxP-PGK-gb2-neo-loxP) 290.00 Blue Ice -20 ready 50ng/ul,20ul
A004 FRT flanked, Pro and Euk. Neomycin Select. Cassette plus loxP site(FRT-PGK-gb2-neo-FRT-loxP) 290.00 Blue Ice -20 ready 50ng/ul,20ul
A005   FRT flanked, Pro and Euk. Neomycin Select. Cassette plus loxP site 2nd version (loxP-FRT-PGK-gb2-neo-FRT) 290.00 Blue Ice -20 ready 50ng/ul,20ul
A006   FRT flanked Chloramphenicol Select. Cassette (FRT-cm-FRT) 290.00 Blue Ice -20 ready 50ng/ul,20ul
A007   loxP flanked Chloramphenicol Select. Cassette (loxP-cm-loxP) 290.00 Blue Ice -20 ready 50ng/ul,20ul
A008   FRT flanked Ampicillin Select. Cassette (FRT-amp-FRT) 290.00 Blue Ice -20 ready 50ng/ul,20ul
A009   loxP flanked Ampicillin Select. Cassette (loxP-amp-loxP) 290.00 Blue Ice -20 ready 50ng/ul,20ul
A010   FRT flanked, Pro and Euk. Hygromycin Select. Cassette (FRT-PGK-gb2-hygro-FRT) 290.00 Blue Ice -20 ready 50ng/ul,20ul
A011   loxP flanked, Pro and Euk. Hygromycin Select. Cassette (loxP-PGK-gb2-hygro-loxP) 290.00 Blue Ice -20 ready 50ng/ul,20ul
A012   iCre-FRT-neo-FRT (codon improved Cre(iCre) with attached FRT flanked, Pro- and Eukaryotic Neomycin selection cassette 325,00 (until March 31st, then 350,00) Blue Ice -20 ready 50ng/ul,20ul
new products with introduction price until March 31st, 2013
Additional Strains & Plasmids (no license required)
A104   Enhanced Flp Expression Plasmid:707-FLPe; tet 290.00 Blue Ice -20 ready 0.2ug/ul,20ul
A105   Enhanced Flp Expression Plasmid:708-FLPe;cm 290.00 Blue Ice -20 ready 0.2ug/ul,20ul
A106   Enhanced Flp Expression Plasmid:709-FLPe;amp 275,00 (until March 31st, then 290,00) Blue Ice -20 ready 0.2ug/ul,20ul
A107   Enhanced Flp Expression Plasmid:710-FLPe;km 275,00 (until March 31st, then 290,00) Blue Ice -20 ready 0.2ug/ul,20ul
A112   Cre Expression Plasmid:705-Cre;cm 290.00 Blue Ice -20 ready 0.2ug/ul,20ul
A113   Cre Expression Plasmid:706-Cre;tet 290.00 Blue Ice -20 ready 0.2ug/ul,20ul
A201   Enhanced Eukaryotic FLP Expression Plasmid: pCAGGS-FLPe (Academia) 375.00 Blue Ice -20 ready 0.2ug/ul,20ul
A202   Enhanced Eukaryotic FLP Expression Plasmid: pCAGGS-FLPe (Industry) 3,250.00 Blue Ice -20