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molecular dimensions

关键词:molecular dimensions
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英国Molecular Dimensions欧洲权威蛋白质结晶试剂与耗材生产商
1.Crystal Growth Screens 晶体生长试剂
⑴Soluble protein screen 可溶性蛋白结晶试剂
⑵Membrane Protein Crystallization 膜蛋白结晶化试剂
①Membrane Protein Crystal Growth Screens > 膜蛋白晶体生长试剂-基于成功的膜蛋白结晶的现代化的试剂。
②detergent 去垢剂-去垢剂和膜蛋白结晶化的试剂
⑶Protein Complex Screens >蛋白复合结晶化-这些试剂满足维持蛋白-蛋白间交互作用和减少复合物可溶性的双重需要。
⑷Nuclear Receptor Ligand Binding Domains >向心配合体绑定区域的结晶化-提供向心配合体绑定区域的结晶化试剂。
2.Optimization > 优化试剂
⑴Single screen reagents >单个的蛋白结晶试剂-可以提供晶体生长试剂盒中的单独的结晶试剂。
⑵Buffer concentrates >缓冲溶液
⑶Stock Reagents >
PEG Precipitants >
Jeffamines >
Other Precipitants >
⑷The Really Useful Buffer Kit >非常有用的缓冲试剂盒
⑸Optimization screens >晶体优化试剂-提供用于改善晶体质量的凝胶状表面,小分子以及去垢剂。
⑹Crystal growth oils >晶体生长用油类-提供批量化结晶用油类。
3. High-Throughput Consumables >高通量的晶体生长耗材
⑴High-Throughput Crystal Growth Screens >
⑵High-Throughput Plates >
①sitting drop plates
②hanging drop
⑶High-Throughput Adhesive Seals >
4.Plates and Accessories >
5. Cryocrystallography >
6. Protein Expression Media and Protein Production >
⑴SelenoMet Medium >
⑵Protein Expression Media >
⑶Protein Refolding >
⑷GeBaFlex Dialysis and Electroelution tubes >
7.books 工具书
Preparation & Analysis of Protein Crystals
Practical Protein Crystallography
Principles of Protein X-Ray Crystallography
Methods in Enzymology 276
Methods in Enzymology 277
Protein Methods
Protein Crystallization Techniques Strategies & Tips
Crystallization of Nucleic Acids and Proteins
Crystallization of Nucleic Acids and Proteins
Fundamentals of Crystallography
Crystals and Life. A Personal Journey
Understanding Diseases by Understanding Proteins
ICCBM 9 Proceedings
Methods and Results in the Crystallization of Membrane Proteins
Outline of Crystallography for Biologists
8.Tools >一系列对您实验有帮助的工具。
Microtools >微型工具-包括Box of Micro Tools;Micro Knife;Micro Scraper;Micro Needle;Micro Spade;Micro Spatula;Micro Chisel;Micro Prober;Micro Scale;Microtool Handle
9. Mosquito >Mosquito-液滴处理的新工具,其优点是:紧凑,**,便利,灵活,易于操作,无交叉污染,可随意使用。
10. CrystalPro - Crystal Imaging Systems >
11. Crystal DUVI- DLS/ UV/White Light Imagers >
12. Single Station Personal Pipettor >
13. Incubators >晶体生长孵化器
Cooled Crystallization Incubator 390 litre
Cooled Crystallization Incubator 250 litre
Cooled Crystallization Incubator 180 litre
Cooled Crystallization Incubator 100 litre
上一篇:National Scientific