  • 入驻时间:2015-06-18
  • 联系人:王先生
  • 电话:021-60490116
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  • Email:ybiotech@163.com


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  • 产品名称:逆转录试剂盒
  • 产品型号:
  • 产品展商:其它品牌
  • 产品文档:无相关文档
  • 发布时间:2018-07-16
  • 在线询价
Omniscript RT Kit (50)(大量现货)

品牌及货号:玉博 205111
逆转录试剂盒 其他相关产品:(大量现货)
Protein Precipitation Plate,  10 plates,Thermo pierce 90037,规格:10 PLATE/EA
Lys-C Endoproteinase MS Grade,20 ug,Thermo pierce 90051,规格:20 UG
Asp-N Endoproteinase MS Grade, 2 ug,Thermo pierce 90053,规格:2 UG
Glu-C Endoproteinase, 5 x 10ug,Thermo pierce 90054,规格:5 X 10 UG
Trypsin Endoproteinase        MS Grade, 5 x 20 ug,Thermo pierce 90055,规格:5 X 20 UG
Chymotrypsin Endoproteinase   MS Grade, 4 x 25 ug,Thermo pierce 90056,规格:4 X 25 UG
TMTduplex(tm) Isotopic Label  Reagent Set, 2 x 5 x 0.8 mg,Thermo pierce 90060,规格:2X5X0.8MG
TMTsixplex(tm) Label Reagent  Set, 6 x 0.8 mg.,Thermo pierce 90061,规格:EA
TMTsixplex(tm) Label Reagent  Set, 2 x 6 x 0.8 mg.,Thermo pierce 90062,规格:EACH
TMTduplex(tm) Isobaric Mass   Tagging Kit,Thermo pierce 90063,规格:KIT
TMTsixplex(tm) Isobaric Mass  Tagging Kit,Thermo pierce 90064,规格:KIT
TMTduplex(tm) Label Reagent   Set,Thermo pierce 90065,规格:EA
TMTsixplex(tm) Label Reagent  Set,Thermo pierce 90066,规格:EA
TMTzero(tm) Label Reagent,Thermo pierce 90067,规格:EA
TMT Sixplex Label Reagent Set 72 Samples,Thermo pierce 90068,规格:2 X 5 MG
Anti-TMT Antibody             0.1 mg/mL,Thermo pierce 90075,规格:EA
Immobilized Anti-TMT          6 mL settled resin,Thermo pierce 90076,规格:6 ML
B-PER 250 mL with DNAse and   Lysozyme,Thermo pierce 90078,规格:KIT
B-PER 500 mL with DNAse and   Lysozyme,Thermo pierce 90079,规格:KIT
B-Per Direct 50 mL with DNAse and Lysozyme,Thermo pierce 90080,规格:KIT
B-PER Direct 250 mL with      DNAse and Lysozyme,Thermo pierce 90081,规格:KIT
Lysozyme (50 mg/mL), 0.5 mL,Thermo pierce 90082,规格:0.5 ML
DNAse (1250 u), 0.5 mL,Thermo pierce 90083,规格:0.5 ML
B-PER Bacterial Extraction    Reagent, 250 mL.,Thermo pierce 90084,规格:250 ML
Competition RED Base Plate    12-well Conformation 1,Thermo pierce 90085,规格:EACH PLATE
Competition RED Inserts,      10 Pack,Thermo pierce 90087,规格:10/PKG
Competition RED Inserts,      50 Pack,Thermo pierce 90088,规格:50/PKG
HisPur Cobalt Purification    Kit, 0.2 mL,Thermo pierce 90090,规格:KIT
HisPur Cobalt Purification    Kit, 1 mL.,Thermo pierce 90091,规格:KIT
HisPur Cobalt Purification    Kit, 3 mL.,Thermo pierce 90092,规格:KIT
HisPur Cobalt Chromatography  Cartridges, 1 mL.,Thermo pierce 90093,规格:5 X 1 ML
HisPur Cobalt Chromatography  Cartridges, 5 mL.,Thermo pierce 90094,规格:2 X 5 ML
HisPur Cobalt Spin Plates,    96-Well,Thermo pierce 90095,规格:2 PLATES
HisPur(tm) Ni-NTA             Chromatography Column,Thermo pierce 90098,规格:5 X 1 ML
HisPur(tm) Ni-NTA             Chromatography Column,Thermo pierce 90099,规格:2 X 5 ML
Single-Use RED Plate, 12K,    1 pack,Thermo pierce 90112,规格:1 PLATE
Single-Use RED Plate, 25K,    1 pack,Thermo pierce 90125,规格:1 PLATE
Single-Use RED Plate, 12K,    10 pack,Thermo pierce 91012,规格:10 PLATES
3UV-Lamp; 254nm/302nm/365nm   3 x 8 watt UV tubes, 115 Volt,,Thermo pierce 95034,规格:EACH
3UV-Lamp; 254nm/302nm/365nm   3 x 8 watt UV tubes, 230 Volt,,Thermo pierce 95035,规格:EACH
Single-Use RED Plate, 10/pack,Thermo pierce 99006,规格:1 EA = 10 PK
Human IFN Alpha A             (Alpha 2a),Thermo pierce 111001,规格:5.0E+6 UNITS
Human IFN Alpha A, carrier-   free,Thermo pierce 111011,规格:5 UG
Human IFN Alpha A, carrier-   free,Thermo pierce 111012,规格:20 UG
Human IFN Alpha 2 (Alpha 2b),Thermo pierce 111051,规格:1.0E+5 UNITS
Human Leukocyte Interferon,Thermo pierce 113501,规格:1.0E+6 UNITS
Human IFN Omega,Thermo pierce 113951,规格:25 UG
Mouse IFN Alpha A,Thermo pierce 121001,规格:1.0E+5 UNITS
Rat IFN Alpha,Thermo pierce 131001,规格:1.0E+5 UNITS
Rat IFN Beta,Thermo pierce 134001,规格:1.0E+5 UNITS

GroPep| http://www.ybiotechmall.com/enstyle/firstcatalog_3294448_GroPep_1.html;
hypermol| http://www.ybiotechmall.com/enstyle/firstcatalog_3294449_hypermol_1.html;
HANNA| http://www.ybiotechmall.com/enstyle/firstcatalog_3294450_HANNA_1.html;
Hettich| http://www.ybiotechmall.com/enstyle/firstcatalog_3294451_Hettich_1.html;
hoefer| http://www.ybiotechmall.com/enstyle/firstcatalog_3294452_hoefer_1.html;
HBM| http://www.ybiotechmall.com/enstyle/firstcatalog_3294453_HBM_1.html;
Hyskill| http://www.ybiotechmall.com/enstyle/firstcatalog_3294454_Hyskill_1.html;
Hyclone| http://www.ybiotechmall.com/enstyle/firstcatalog_3294455_Hyclone_1.html;
Hampton| http://www.ybiotechmall.com/enstyle/firstcatalog_3294456_Hampton_1.html;
Hellma| http://www.ybiotechmall.com/enstyle/firstcatalog_3294457_Hellma_1.html;
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