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Omniscript RT Kit (10)

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  • 产品名称:Omniscript RT Kit (10)
  • 产品型号:
  • 产品展商:其它品牌
  • 产品文档:无相关文档
  • 发布时间:2015-08-16
  • 在线询价

产品名称:Omniscript RT Kit (10)
品牌及货号:玉博 205110
关键词:Omniscript RT Kit
Omniscript RT Kit (10) 其他相关产品:(大量现货)
keyword:Omniscript RT Kit (10)
Nab(tm) Protein L Spin Kit,   10 x 0.2 mL Columns,Thermo pierce 89951,规格:KIT
Nab(tm) Protein A Plus Spin   Columns, 0.2 mL.,Thermo pierce 89952,规格:10 COLUMNS
Nab(tm) Protein G Spin Columns, 0.2 mL.,Thermo pierce 89953,规格:10 COLUMNS
Nab(tm) Protein A/G Spin      Columns, 0.2 mL.,Thermo pierce 89954,规格:10 COLUMNS
Nab(tm) Protein L Spin Columns, 0.2 mL.,Thermo pierce 89955,规格:10 COLUMNS
Nab(tm) Protein A Plus Spin   Columns, 1 mL.,Thermo pierce 89956,规格:5 COLUMNS
Nab(tm) Protein G Spin Columns, 1 mL.,Thermo pierce 89957,规格:5 COLUMNS
Nab(tm) Protein A/G Spin      Columns, 1 mL.,Thermo pierce 89958,规格:5 COLUMNS
Nab(tm) Protein L Spin Columns, 1 mL.,Thermo pierce 89959,规格:5 COLUMNS
Nab(tm) Protein A Plus Spin   Column, 5 mL.,Thermo pierce 89960,规格:1 COLUMN
Nab(tm) Protein G Spin Column, 5 mL.,Thermo pierce 89961,规格:1 COLUMN
Nab(tm) Protein A/G Spin      Column, 5 mL.,Thermo pierce 89962,规格:1 COLUMN
Nab(tm) Protein L Spin Column, 5 mL.,Thermo pierce 89963,规格:1 COLUMN
HisPur(tm) Cobalt Resin, 10 mL,Thermo pierce 89964,规格:10 ML
HisPur(tm) Cobalt Resin,      100 mL,Thermo pierce 89965,规格:100 ML
HisPur(tm) Cobalt Resin,      500 mL.,Thermo pierce 89966,规格:500 ML
HisPur(tm) Cobalt Spin Columns, 0.2 mL, 25 Columns,Thermo pierce 89967,规格:25 X 0.2 ML
HisPur(tm) Cobalt Spin Columns, 1 mL, 5 Columns,Thermo pierce 89968,规格:5 X 1 ML
HisPur(tm) Cobalt Spin Columns, 3 mL, 5 Columns,Thermo pierce 89969,规格:5 X 3 ML
Pierce(R) Cartridge Accessory Pack, 1 Pack,Thermo pierce 89971,规格:1 PACK
Melon Gel Purification        Buffer,Thermo pierce 89972,规格:1 PKG
Melon(tm) Gel Regenerant,Thermo pierce 89973,规格:1 PKG
NAb (tm) Protein A Plus Spin  Kit, 2 x 1 mL. Columns,Thermo pierce 89978,规格:KIT
NAb (tm) Protein G Spin Kit,  2 x 1 mL. Columns,Thermo pierce 89979,规格:KIT
NAb (tm) Protein A/G Spin Kit, 2 x 1 mL. Columns,Thermo pierce 89980,规格:KIT
NAb (tm) Protein L Spin Kit,  2 x 1 mL. Columns,Thermo pierce 89981,规格:KIT
SILAC Protein Quantitation    RPMI-1640 Kit,Thermo pierce 89982,规格:EA
SILAC Protein Quantitation    DMEM Kit,Thermo pierce 89983,规格:EA
SILAC RPMI-1640 Medium 500 mL Bottle,Thermo pierce 89984,规格:EA
SILAC Dulbecco's Modified     Eagle's Medium, 500 mL Bottle,Thermo pierce 89985,规格:EA
Dialyzed FBS for SILAC, 50 mL,Thermo pierce 89986,规格:EA
L-Lysine-2HCl, 50 mg.,Thermo pierce 89987,规格:EA
13C6 L-Lysine-2HCl, 50 mg.,Thermo pierce 89988,规格:EA
L-Arginine-HCl, 50 mg.,Thermo pierce 89989,规格:EA
13C6 15N4 L-Arginine-HCL, 50mg,Thermo pierce 89990,规格:EA
Pierce Phosphoprotein         Enrichment Kit,Thermo pierce 90003,规格:EA
Single-Use RED Base Plate     (Empty), 2 plates,Thermo pierce 90004,规格:2 PLATES
Single-Use RED Base Plate     (Empty), 10 plates,Thermo pierce 90005,规格:10 PLATES
Single-Use RED Plate with     Inserts, 1 Plate,Thermo pierce 90006,规格:1 PLATE
Single-Use RED Plate with     Inserts, 5 Plates,Thermo pierce 90007,规格:5 PLATES
Pierce Strong Cation Exchange Mini, 24 Spin Columns,Thermo pierce 90008,规格:EACH
Pierce Strong Cation Exchange Maxi, 8 Spin Columns,Thermo pierce 90009,规格:EACH
Pierce Strong Anion Exchange  Mini, 24 Spin Columns,Thermo pierce 90010,规格:EACH
Pierce Anion Exchange Columns Maxi, 8 Spin Columns,,Thermo pierce 90011,规格:EACH
Alpha Cyano 4 hydroxy cinnamic (CHCA) Maldi Matrix, Single,Thermo pierce 90031,规格:EA
Sinapinic Acid (SA) Maldi     Matrix, Single Use,,Thermo pierce 90032,规格:EA
2,5 Dihydroxybenzoic acid     (DHB) Maldi Matrix, Single Use,Thermo pierce 90033,规格:EA
Iodoacetamide, Single Use     3 x 8 microtube, 9.3 mg/tube,Thermo pierce 90034,规格:9.3 MG/TUBE
MALDI Matrices Sampler Pack   Single Use 3 x 8 microtube,Thermo pierce 90035,规格:EA
Protein Precipitation Plate,  2 plates,Thermo pierce 90036,规格:2 PLATES/EA
关键词:Omniscript RT Kit (10)

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