产品名称:QIAamp DNA Blood Mini Kit (50) 品牌及货号:玉博 51104 关键词:QIAamp DNA Blood Mini Kit QIAamp DNA Blood Mini Kit (50) 其他相关产品:(大量现货) keyword:QIAamp DNA Blood Mini Kit (50) Wash Buffer 1 for B-PER 6xHis Kit,Thermo pierce 78110,规格:45 ML Y-PER (tm) 6XHis Wash Buffer 1, 60 ml,Thermo pierce 78111,规格:60 ML Inclusion Body Solubilization Reagent, 100 mL.,Thermo pierce 78115,规格:100 ML Wash Buffer 2 for 6xHis Kit,Thermo pierce 78120,规格:60 ML Elution Buffer for 6xHis Kit,Thermo pierce 78130,规格:45 ML B-PER (R) Reagent,Thermo pierce 78243,规格:165 ML B-PER (R) Bacterial Protein Extraction Reagent,Thermo pierce 78248,规格:500 ML Wash Buffer 2,Thermo pierce 78256,规格:85 ML Wash Buffer 1,Thermo pierce 78257,规格:60 ML Glutathione,Thermo pierce 78259,规格:5 X 184 MG B-PER (R) II Bacterial Protein Extraction Reagent, 250 ml,Thermo pierce 78260,规格:250 ML B-PER (R) (in Phosphate Buffer), 500 ml,Thermo pierce 78266,规格:500 ML Y-PER GST Column Purification Kit- Buffer 1, 60 ml,Thermo pierce 78267,规格:60 ML B-PER (R) 6xHis Spin Purification Kit,Thermo pierce 78300,规格:KIT Nickel-Chelated Agarose (in B-PER (tm)), 8 ml,Thermo pierce 78320,规格:8 ML Protease Inhibitor Cocktail Kit, w/2 Pro. Inh. Cocktail,Thermo pierce 78410,规格:KIT Protease Inhibitor Cocktail, EDTA-Free, 1 mL,Thermo pierce 78415,规格:1 ML Halt (TM) Phosphatase Inhibitor Cocktail, 1 mL.,Thermo pierce 78420,规格:1 ML Halt(tm) Protease Inhibitor Single-Use Cocktail EDTA-free,Thermo pierce 78425,规格:EACH Halt(tm) Phosphatase InhibitorCocktail (100X), 5 x 1 mL,Thermo pierce 78426,规格:5 X 1 ML Halt(tm) Phosphatase InhibitorCocktail (100X), 10 mL.,Thermo pierce 78427,规格:10 ML Halt Phosphatase Inhibitor Single Use,,Thermo pierce 78428,规格:EA Halt(tm) Protease Inhibitor Cocktail (100X), 5 mL.,Thermo pierce 78429,规格:EA Halt(tm) Protease Inhibitor Single-Use Cocktail (100X),Thermo pierce 78430,规格:EACH AEBSF, 100 mg (2aminoethyl)benzenesulfonyl,Thermo pierce 78431,规格:100 MG Aprotinin, 25 mg,Thermo pierce 78432,规格:25 MG Bestatin, 10 mg N-{(2S,3R)-3-amino-2-hydroxy-,Thermo pierce 78433,规格:10 MG E-64, 10 mg N-trans-epoxysuccinyl-,Thermo pierce 78434,规格:10 MG Leupeptin, 50 mg Acetyl-Leucyl-Leucyl-Arginal,Thermo pierce 78435,规格:50 MG Pepstatin A, 25 mg,Thermo pierce 78436,规格:25 MG Halt(tm) Protease Inhibitor Cocktail, EDTA-free,(100X),5ml,Thermo pierce 78437,规格:EA = 5 ML Halt(tm) Protease Inhibitor Cocktail (100X), 10 mL,Thermo pierce 78438,规格:EA Halt(tm) Protease Inhibitor Cocktail, EDTA-free(100X),10mL,Thermo pierce 78439,规格:EA = 10 ML Halt(tm)Protease & PhosphataseInhibitor Cocktail (100X),1 mL,Thermo pierce 78440,规格:1 ML Halt(tm)Protease & PhosphataseInhibitor Cocktail EDTA-free,Thermo pierce 78441,规格:1 ML Halt(tm)Protease & PhosphataseSingle-Use Inhibitor Cocktail,Thermo pierce 78442,规格:24 X 100 UL Halt(tm)Protease & PhosphataseSingle-Use Inhibitor Cocktail,,Thermo pierce 78443,规格:24 X 100 UL Halt(tm)Protease & PhosphataseInhibitor Cocktail (100X),,Thermo pierce 78444,规格:5 X 1 ML Halt(tm)Protease & PhosphataseInhibitor Cocktail EDTA-free,Thermo pierce 78445,规格:5 X 1 ML Halt(tm)Protease & PhosphataseInhibitor Cocktail (100X),,Thermo pierce 78446,规格:10 ML Halt(tm)Protease & PhosphataseInhibitor Cocktail EDTA-free,Thermo pierce 78447,规格:10 ML M-PER (R) Mammalian Protein Extraction Reagent, 250 mL.,Thermo pierce 78501,规格:250 ML M-PER (R) Mammalian Protein Extraction Reagent, 25 mL.,Thermo pierce 78503,规格:25 ML M-PER (R) Mammalian Protein Extraction Reagent,Thermo pierce 78505,规格:1000 ML T-PER (R) Tissue Protein Extraction Reagent, 500 mL.,Thermo pierce 78510,规格:500 ML NE-PER (R) Nuclear and Cytoplasmic Extraction,Thermo pierce 78833,规格:KIT NE-PER Nuclear and Cytoplasmic Extraction Reagents,Thermo pierce 78835,规格:KIT Subcellular Protein Fractionation Kit for Cultured,Thermo pierce 78840,规格:KIT Yeast DNA Extraction Kit,Thermo pierce 78870,规格:KIT Y-PER (R) YEAST PROTEIN EXTRA CTION REAGENT, 500 mL.,Thermo pierce 78990,规格:500 ML 关键词:QIAamp DNA Blood Mini Kit (50) |
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