单纵横风冷激光器:LMX-532S-50-COL-OE LMX-532S-50-COL-PP LMX-532S-100-COL-OE LMX-532S-100-COL-PP LMX-532S-150-COL-OE LMX-532S-150-COL-PP LMX-532S-200-COL-OE LMX-532S-200-COL-PP LMX-532S-300-COL-PP LMX-532S-300-COL-OE LMX-553S-50-COL-OE LMX-553S-50-COL-PP LMX-553S-100-COL-OE LMX-553S-100-COL-PP LMX-553S-200-COL-OE LMX-553S-200-COL-PP LMX-561S-25-COL-OE LMX-561S-25-COL-PP LMX-561S-50-COL-OE LMX-561S-50-COL-PP LMX-561S-100-COL-OE LMX-561S-100-COL-PP LMX-561S-150-COL-OE LMX-561S-150-COL-PP LMX-561S-200-COL-OE LMX-561S-200-COL-PP LMX-561S-300-COL-OE LMX-561S-300-COL-PP
LMX-S-OE DPSS lasers are single
longitudinal mode, compact OEM CW, air-cooled lasers.
Models in the series are available with
outputs at 532nm, 553nm and 561nm. Output powers are wavelength dependent and
lie in the 25mW-300mW range.
These DPSS lasers provide excellent beam
quality and power stability from a compact and easy to use turnkey system at a
mid-range price level.
The laser operates in CW mode as standard,
although some limited low frequency modulation can be achieved.
A power supply is provided with the laser.
An interlock point is provided on the power supply.
Amplitude stability is dependent on short
term noise and longer term drift. All of our lasers in the LMX series deliver
long term amplitude stability rated at <2% p-p (over 8 hours). The amplitude
noise of these lasers is extremely low, <0.2% rms from 10Hz to 20MHz.
These lasers are single longitudinal mode
with a linewidth of < 1 MHz and exhibit long coherence length (> 50 m) making them ideally suited to the
demands of holography and interferometry.
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