短波红外成像焦平面模块:Cactus 640SW Cactus 320SW Snake 640SW
Cactus 640SW is a high-sensitivity and
high-resolution FPA
assembly designed for demanding low flux,
high resolution
Sofradir短波红外成像焦平面模块Snake 640SW
imaging applications in the wavelength
range 0.9μm to 1.7μm.
Sofradir InGaAs technology exhibits
outstanding performance
Sofradir短波红外成像焦平面模块Snake 640SW
in terms of dark current, uniformity and
operability. Cactus
640SW is well adapted to a large range of
applications such
as night vision, surveillance, airborne
gimbals and various
industrial and scientific applications.
Sofradir短波红外成像焦平面模块Snake 640SW
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