微型发动机的热成像:MWIR-1280/15-Jupiter MWIR-1280/10-Daphnis MWIR-1024/10-Daphnis MWIR-640/15-Scorpio MWIR-640/15-Leo MWIR-640/15-Leo- CZ MWIR-640/15 LWIR-640/15-Scorpio LWIR-320/30-Mars
The MiTIE Miniature Thermal Imaging Engines
are designed for OEMs that wish to incorporate a small,
lightweight, low power cooled camera engine
into their electro-optical systems. The MiTIE engines
are based on high performance, Mercury
Cadmium Telluride (MCT) Integrated Detector/Dewar/Cooler
Assemblies and are available in several
configurations, including with MW or LW spectral response and
in various array sizes. The MiTIE engines
include camera control and cooler electronics and produces
corrected analog, HDMI and 14-bit Camera
Link digital video. Communication is via USB or Camera Link
interface. Because of their light weight
and low power consumption, the MiTIE camera engines are ideal
for applications that have demanding
space/weight/power constraints.微型发动机的热成像:MWIR-1280/15-Jupiter
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