  • 注册时间:2015-11-04
  • 联系人:蔡盼盼
  • 电话:021-61998208
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  • Email:shklbio@163.com


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  • 产品名称:EagleBio
  • 产品型号:
  • 产品展商:EagleBio
  • 产品文档:无相关文档
  • 发布时间:2019-07-15
  • 在线询价
EagleBioEagle Biosciences has quickly become a leading provider of immunoassays, antibodies, and proteins to the worldwide research and clinical communities. Our staff has over 25 years in both the research and diagnostics industries with over 10 years in commercialization and distribution. EagleBio


EagleBio Eagle Biosciences

Our EagleBio story

Eagle Biosciences has quickly become a leading provider of immunoassays, antibodies, and proteins to the worldwide research and clinical communities. Our staff has over 25 years in both the research and diagnostics industries with over 10 years in commercialization and distribution. We offer EagleBio developed products in addition to distributing products from over twenty European organizations. With all of these offerings, we keep our primary focus on providing esoteric and innovative products that aid medical research and clinical laboratories.

EagleBio Eagle Biosciences

Esoteric Products, Fair Pricing, Great Service

On top of offering high quality, unique products at fair prices, Eagle Biosciences strives to provide efficient, friendly, and knowledgeable customer service. Our intent is quite simple: to provide such great service that everyone is exceptionally satisfied and will be looking to EagleBio to help again soon. If you cannot find the product you are looking for, please give us a call or shoot us an email and we will work hard to help. Our approach has been a huge success, as our business has seen tremendous growth, mostly from our wonderful repeat customers. Give us a call, we are eager to help

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