  • 注册时间:2015-11-04
  • 联系人:蔡盼盼
  • 电话:021-61998208
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  • Email:shklbio@163.com


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  • 产品名称:ARP1
  • 产品型号:
  • 产品展商:ARP1
  • 产品文档:无相关文档
  • 发布时间:2019-07-16
  • 在线询价
ARP1Welcome to ARP American Research Products, Inc.TM - Your Source for Research and Diagnostic Products. ARP1Based in Massachusetts, ARP has been providing high-quality products to research laboratories in hospitals, universities and biotech firms worldwide since 1994.


About Us ARP1

Welcome to ARP American Research Products, Inc.TM - Your Source for Research and Diagnostic Products.

Based in Massachusetts, ARP has been providing high-quality products to research laboratories in hospitals, universities and biotech firms worldwide since 1994.

We offer Monoclonal and Polyclonal Antibodies as well as purified and recombinant Antigens for research. Our catalog of diagnostic tools is comprised of products for the detection of Cytokines and Growth Factors, Infectious/TORCH and Autoimmune diseases, Bone and Mineral Metabolism, Cardiac Markers, Catecholamines and Bioamines, Reproductive and Fertility Assays, Tumor Markers, SteroIDS, as well as Endocrinology, Neurology and Salivary Assays.

Our commitment to detail and quality will ensure the results you have come to expect. We are continuously adding new products to our database in order to accommodate your changing research needs. If you do not see the product you are looking for, please do not hesitate to contact us.

100% Quality Guaranteed Products from ARP

Hopefully you’ve noticed that ARP now has a shiny logo on every product page on our website which is our product guarantee:

What does 100% Quality Guaranteed mean? It means that we guarantee that every one of our products will work in the applications stated on their product datasheet. For further information on the specifics of our guarantee please visit our Guarantee page on the main site.

We don’t expect you to find a product that doesn’t work as expected, but if you do please contact info@arp1.com to discuss further.

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