  • 注册时间:2015-11-04
  • 联系人:蔡盼盼
  • 电话:021-61998208
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  • Email:shklbio@163.com


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  • 产品名称:Chemokine
  • 产品型号:
  • 产品展商:Chemokine
  • 产品文档:无相关文档
  • 发布时间:2019-07-16
  • 在线询价
Chemokine in New Jersey, Torrey Pines Biolabs is specialized in providing quality immunological reagents to the chemokine and cytokine research community. Our major product line for chemokines and cytokines can be accessed through Internet, Many of our products are unique or hard to find elsewhere. Through our tireless research effort, we continue to bring to the research community new Chemokine



Located in New Jersey, Torrey Pines Biolabs is specialized in providing quality immunological reagents to the chemokine and cytokine research community. Our major product line for chemokines and cytokines can be accessed through Internet, Many of our products are unique or hard to find elsewhere. Through our tireless research effort, we continue to bring to the research community new antibodies that are suitable for immmunoprecipitation, immunohistochemistry, western blot, and neutralization assays.

Torrey Pines Biolabs  Antibodies to chemokines and chemokine receptors:

Rabbit anti-mouse BLC

Rabbit anti-human eotaxin

Rabbit anti-mouse eotaxin

Rabbit anti-human fractalkine/neurotactin

Rabbit anti-human fractalkine/Intracellular domain

Rabbit anti-rat fractalkine/neurotactin

Rabbit anti-mouse fractalkine/neurotactin

Rabbit anti-rat IP-10

Rabbit anti-rat KC

Rabbit anti-rat LARC

Rabbit anti-mouse MDC

Rabbit anti-rat MDC

Rabbit anti-rat lymphotactin

Rabbit anti-mouse lymphotactin

Rabbit anti-rat MCP-1

Rabbit anti-rat MCP-1 (1-73)

Rabbit anti-rat MIP-1a

Rabbit anti-rat MIP-1b

Rabbit anti-rat MIP-2

Rabbit anti-rat RANTES

Rabbit anti-mouse SDF-1a

Rabbit anti-rat SDF-1b

Rabbit anti-rat SLC

Rabbit anti-rat CX3CR1

Rabbit anti-human CX3CR1

Rabbit anti-rat CXCR4

Rabbit anti-human C3a receptor

Rabbit anti-KSHV GPCR


Torrey Pines Biolabs  Antibodies to cytokines and other molecules:

Rabbit anti-mouse CTGF

Rabbit anti-rat IFNg

Rabbit anti-mouse IL-15

Rabbit anti-rat IL-15A

Rabbit anti-rat IL-15B

Rabbit anti-porcine TGFb

Rabbit anti-porcine mature TGFb

Rabbit anti-rat MMP2

Rabbit anti-rat MMP9

Rabbit anti-rat DAP12

Rabbit anti-human DAP12

Rabbit anti-rat MIF

Rabbit anti-rat Mpg-1

Rabbit anti-rat PAI-1

Rabbit anti-rat perforin

Rabbit anti-mouse IkBa

Rabbit anti-human IKKa

Rabbit anti-human NIK

Rabbit anti-human MEK1

Rabbit anti-human MKK3

Rabbit anti-mouse OB

Rabbit anti-human OB

Rabbit anti-mouse OB receptor / E1

Rabbit anti-mouse OB receptor / E2

Rabbit anti-GFP

On-Line Catalog

  • Antibodies to chemokines and chemokine receptors

  • Antibodies to cytokines and other molecules

  • Antibodies to signaling molecules

  • RNase protection assay (RPA) reagents and kits

  • Probe for PRA

Torrey Pines Biolabs  New Products

See our new "Signal Transduction" page 

Torrey Pines Biolabs  Product

Catalog Number



Rabbit anti-GFP polyclonal Ab


200 micrograms


Rabbit anti-mouse BLC polyclonal Ab


200 micrograms


Rabbit anti-rat MDC polyclonal Ab


200 micrograms


Rabbit anti-rat IP-10 polyclonal Ab


200 micrograms


Rabbit anti-rat SLC polyclonal Ab


200 micrograms


Rabbit anti-mouse CTGF polyclonal Ab


200 micrograms


Rabbit anti-mouse IL-15 polyclonal Ab


200 micrograms


    Torrey Pines Biolabs  Anti-GFP polyclonal antibody 

GFP (green fluorescent protein) is a spontaneously fluorescent protein islated from the Pacific jellyfish, Aeuorea victoria. It transduces the blue chemiluminescence into green fluorescent light, and has been used as a new tool for developmental biology, cell and molecular biology studies.
Torrey Pines Biolabs' antibody to GFP was prepared using E.coli-expressed full-length GFP as immunogen. The antibody recognizes both GFP and its derivatives (EGFP, EBFP). It can be used in Western blotting studies.
The Ab is available in 200 mg sizes (Cat. No. TP-401). For more information, please check theAnti-GFP web page.

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