CD326 (EpCAM) MicroBeads, human 130-061-101
CD326(EpCAM)微珠用于从癌症病人的外周血、骨髓、**组织和浆液性渗出物中阳性分选有活性的上皮肿瘤细胞。CD326抗体能识别人类上皮细胞抗原(HEA),一种被称作EpCAM的上皮细胞特异性粘附分子。CD326抗原广泛表达于上皮来源的细胞和肿瘤细胞上9。为了避免非上皮细胞上FcR介导的非特异性标记,强烈建议在磁性标记前,使用FcR 阻断剂。
Enrichment of tumor cells from PBMCs spiked with cells of the breast cancer cell line BT474. Separation was performed using an MS Column and CD326 (EpCAM) MicroBeads. Cell mixture before separation (6×107 PBMCs were mixed with 50,000 tumor cells) Positive fraction with enriched breast cancer cells (1.54×105 total cells)
Enrichment of tumor cells from PBMCs spiked with cells of the breast cancer cell line BT474. Separation was performed using an MS Column and CD326 (EpCAM) MicroBeads.
Cell mixture before separation (6×107 PBMCs were mixed with 50,000 tumor cells)
Positive fraction with enriched breast cancer cells (1.54×105 total cells)