说明:CD235a (血型糖蛋白A) 微珠用于阳性选择或去除人类红细胞。CD235a(血型糖蛋白A)抗原是一种单跨膜糖蛋白,表达于成熟红细胞和红系前体细胞。
Separation of CD235a+ cells from cord blood mononuclear cells using CD235a (Glycophorin A) MicroBeads, an MS Column, and a MiniMACS™ Separator. Cells were stained with CD235a-FITC antibody and CD71-PE. Cord blood mononuclear cells before separation CD235a- cells Isolated CD235a+cell
Separation of CD235a+ cells from cord blood mononuclear cells using CD235a (Glycophorin A) MicroBeads, an MS Column, and a MiniMACS™ Separator. Cells were stained with CD235a-FITC antibody and CD71-PE.
Cord blood mononuclear cells before separation CD235a- cells Isolated CD235a+cell