BCL1 clone 5B1b细胞
ATCC Number: TIB-197™
相关**: 其他**
数量: 大量
生长状态: 贴壁生长
细胞类型: B**细胞
细胞形态: **样
是否是肿瘤细胞: 0
物种来源: 小鼠
**类型: IgD; IgM; lambda light chain
BCL1 clone 5B1b细胞运输方式: 冻存运输
品系: BALB/c
Designations: BCL1 clone 5B1b
Depositors: S Strober
Isotype: IgD; IgM; lambda light chain
Biosafety Level: 1
Shipped: frozen
Medium & Serum: See Propagation
Growth Properties: adherent
Organism: Mus musculus
Morphology: lymphoblast
Source: Disease: BCL1 clone 5B1b细胞leukemia; lymphoma
Strain: BALB/c
Cell Type: B lymphocyte;
Cellular Products: immunoglobulin (surface, sIg +); monoclonal antibody
Permits/Forms: In addition to the MTA mentioned above, other ATCC and/or regulatory permits may be required for the transfer of this ATCC material. Anyone purchasing ATCC material is ultimately responsible for obtaining the permits. Please click here for information regarding the specific requirements for shipment to your location.
Gender: female
Comments: The cells can be activated by LPS to produce IgM and can be used as a target for B cell growth factor (BCGF) assays.
Tested and found negative for ectromelia virus (mousepox).
Propagation: BCL1 clone 5B1b细胞ATCC complete growth medium: RPMI 1640 medium with 2 mM L-glutamine and 0.05 mM 2-mercaptoethanol, 85%; fetal bovine serum, 15%
Subculturing: Subcultivation Ratio: A subcultivation ratio of 1:2 to 1:4 is recommended
Medium Renewal: Every 2 to 3 days
Subcultures are prepared by scraping. Dislodge cells in the spent medium, aspirate, add fresh medium and dispense into new flasks.
References: 22831: Gronowicz ES, et al. An in vitro line of the B cell tumor BCL1 can be activated by LPS to secrete IgM1. J. Immunol. 125: 976-980, 1980. PubMed: 6157730
22835: Thoman ML, Weigle WO. Identification and partial purification of a B cell growth-promoting material utilizing the BCL1 cell line. J. Immunol. 130: 233-236, 1983. PubMed: 6600179
22845: Strober S, et al. BCL1 clone 5B1b细胞Immunobiology of a spontaneous murine B cell leukemia (BCL1). Immunol. Rev. 48: 169-195, 1979. PubMed: 121100
22904: Slavin S, Strober S. Spontaneous murine B-cell leukaemia. Nature 272: 624-626, 1978. PubMed: 306069