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  • 产品名称:15P-1细胞
  • 产品型号:15P-1
  • 产品展商:HZbscience
  • 产品文档:无相关文档
  • 发布时间:2018-08-23
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器官来源: 睾丸

数量: 大量

生长状态: 贴壁生长

年限: 6 months

ATCC Number: CRL-2618™

细胞类型: 其他细胞类型

是否是肿瘤细胞: 0

物种来源: 转基因小鼠

运输方式: 冻存运输

15P-1细胞Designations: 15P-1

Depositors: F Cuzin

Biosafety Level: 1

Shipped: frozen

Medium & Serum: See Propagation

Growth Properties: adherent

Organism: Mus musculus, transgenic deposited as mouse, transgenic


Source: Organ: testis

Cell Type: Sertoli cell;

Permits/Forms: In addition to the MTA mentioned above, other ATCC and/or regulatory permits may be required for the transfer of this ATCC material. 15P-1细胞Anyone purchasing ATCC material is ultimately responsible for obtaining the permits. Please click here for information regarding the specific requirements for shipment to your location.

Age: 6 months

Gender: male

Comments: The 15P-1 cell line was established from testicular cells of transgenic mice that express the large T protein of polyoma virus (PyLT) in the seminiferous epithelium. [53202]

This line exhibits characteristics of Sertoli cells, including transcription of the Wilms' tumor (WT1) and Steel genes. [53203]

15P-1 cultures express phagocytic activity evidenced by the internalization of latex beads and the disposal of dead cells. Interaction with germ cells enhances the phagocytic activity of 15P-1 cells. [53204]

The cells support the meiotic and postmeiotic differentiation in cocultures of diploid premeiotic germ cells into haploid spermatids expressing the protamine (Prm-1) gene. [53203]

When cocultured with 15P-1 cells, testicular cells explanted from immature 9-day-old animals, before the onset of the first meiosis, generate tetrads of haploid cells with the morphology of round spermatids and initiate protamine transcription. [53203]

15P-1细胞The 15P-1 cell line releases protease-sensitive material with broad-spectrum antibacterial activity. The activity of 15P-1 culture medium is increased 10-fold to 50-fold in the presence of fractions enriched in round spermatids and of nerve growth factor. [53205]

The KL protein, a ligand of the Kit receptor, is expressed in Sertoli cells and in 15P-1 cells. [53206]

Propagation: ATCC complete growth medium: The base medium for this cell line is ATCC-formulated Dulbecco's Modified Eagle's Medium, Catalog No. 30-2002. To make the complete growth medium, add the following components to the base medium: fetal bovine serum to a final concentration of 10%.

Temperature: 32.0°C

Subculturing: Subcultivation Ratio: A subcultivation ratio of 1:2 to 1:4 is recommended

Medium Renewal: Twice per week

Remove medium, and rinse with 0.25% trypsin, 0.03% EDTA solution. Remove the solution and add an additional 1 to 2 ml of trypsin-EDTA solution. Allow the flask to sit at room temperature (or at 37C) until the cells detach.

Add fresh culture medium, aspirate and dispense into new culture flasks.

Do not inoculate new flasks at cell densities below 1 X 10 exp4 cells per sq. cm.

Preservation: culture medium 95%; DMSO, 5%

Related Products: Recommended medium (without the additional supplements or serum described under ATCC Medium):ATCC 30-2002

recommended serum:ATCC 30-2020

References: 53202:15P-1细胞 Paquis-Flucklinger V, et al. Expression in transgenic mice of the large T antigen of polyomavirus induces Sertoli cell tumours and allows the establishment of differentiated cell lines. Oncogene 8: 2087-2094, 1993. PubMed: 8393161

53203: Rassoulzadegan M, et al. Transmeiotic differentiation of male germ cells in culture. Cell 75: 997-1006, 1993. PubMed: 7504588

53204: Grandjean V, et al. Stage-specific signals in germ line differentiation: control of Sertoli cell phagocytic activity by spermatogenic cells. Dev. Biol. 184: 165-174, 1997. PubMed: 9142992

53205: Grandjean V, et al. Antimicrobial protection of the mouse testis: synthesis of defensins of the cryptdin family. Biol. Reprod. 57: 1115-1122, 1997. PubMed: 9369178

53206: Vincent S, et al. Stage-specific expression of the Kit receptor and its ligand (KL) during male gametogenesis in the mouse: a Kit-KL interaction critical for meiosis. Development 125: 4585-4593, 1998. PubMed: 9778516

53207: Vidal F, et al. Gene trap analysis of germ cell signaling to Sertoli cells: NGF-TrkA mediated induction of Fra1 and Fos by post-meiotic germ cells. J. Cell Sci. 114: 435-443, 2001. PubMed: 11148144

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