器官来源: 外周血
年限: 50 years
ATCC Number: CRL-8294™
数量: 大量
相关**: 其他**
生长状态: 悬浮生长
运输方式: 冻存运输
细胞类型: T**细胞
细胞形态: **样
是否是肿瘤细胞: 1
物种来源: 人
Designations: MJ [G11]
MJ细胞Depositors: President and Fellows of Harvard College
Biosafety Level: 2 [Cells Contain RETROVIRUS ]
Shipped: frozen
Medium & Serum: See Propagation
Growth Properties: suspension
Organism: Homo sapiens
Morphology: lymphoblast
Source: Organ: peripheral blood
Disease: cutaneous T cell lymphoma; mycosis fungoides
Cell Type: T lymphocyte;
Cellular Products: HTLV-I
Permits/Forms: In addition to the MTA mentioned above, other ATCC and/or regulatory permits may be required for the transfer of this ATCC material. MJ细胞Anyone purchasing ATCC material is ultimately responsible for obtaining the permits. Please click here for information regarding the specific requirements for shipment to your location.
Receptors: interleukin 2 (IL-2)
Antigen Expression: CD2 +; CD3 +; CD4 +
DNA Profile (STR): Amelogenin: X,Y
CSF1PO: 11,12
D13S317: 12,14
D16S539: 11,12
D5S818: 11,13
D7S820: 8,11
THO1: 6,7
TPOX: 8,11
vWA: 15,17
Age: 50 years
Gender: male
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Comments: MJ细胞This line was established by Popovic et al. in 1983 from peripheral blood of a patient with CTCL.
The cells produce Human T cell Leukemia virus (HTLV-I) and HTLV related antigens.
The cells express a cell surface glycoprotein of 61000 daltons (45000 dalton when not glycosylated) that is characteristic of HTLV infection.
Propagation: ATCC complete growth medium: Iscove's modified Dulbecco's medium, 80%; fetal bovine serum, 20%
Atmosphere: air, 95%; carbon dioxide (CO2), 5%
Temperature: 37.0°C
Subculturing: Protocol: Pellet cells by centrigation, save one third of the spent medium and to two volumes of fresh medium. Resuspend the cell pellet in the mixture and dispense into new flasks. Establish new cultures at about 1 X 10(6) cells/ml.
Subcultivation Ratio: A subcultivation ratio of 1:2 to 1:3 is recommended
Medium Renewal: Twice per week
References: 4002: Essex ME, Lee TH. Method and products for detection of human T cell leukemia virus. US Patent 4,743,678 dated May 10 1988
22945: Popovic M, et al. MJ细胞Isolation and transmission of human retrovirus (human t-cell leukemia virus). Science 219: 856-859, 1983. PubMed: 6600519