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pGL4.38[luc2P/p53 RE/Hygro]

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  • 产品名称:pGL4.38[luc2P/p53 RE/Hygro]
  • 产品型号:
  • 产品展商:HZbscience
  • 产品文档:无相关文档
  • 发布时间:2017-07-18
  • 在线询价
pGL4.38[luc2P/p53 RE/Hygro]的各批次质粒菌株发货前均经过严格的多重验证,如存在质量问题,请在收到产品的三个月内通知我司。收到pGL4.38[luc2P/p53 RE/Hygro]后请短暂离心,取2μl转化至对应感受态中,挑取单克隆重新提取质粒后使用。

pGL4.38[luc2P/p53 RE/Hygro]载体基本信息

载体名称: pGL4.38; pGL4.38[luc2P/p53 RE/Hygro]
质粒类型: 信号通路报告载体;哺乳动物载体;萤火虫荧光素酶报告载体
高拷贝/低拷贝: --
克隆方法: 限制性内切酶,多克隆位点
启动子: Minimal Promotor
载体大小: 6062 bp
5' 测序引物及序列: --
3' 测序引物及序列: --
载体标签: luc2P
载体抗性: 氨苄青霉素
筛选标记: 潮霉素(Hygromycin)
克隆菌株: TOP10等常规菌株
宿主细胞(系): HEK293等
备注: pGL4.38[luc2P/p53 RE/Hygro]载体是信号通路报告载体;含p53应答元件;含萤火虫荧光素酶报告基因luc2P。
产品目录号: E3651
稳定性: 稳表达
组成型/诱导型: 组成型
病毒/非病毒: 非病毒

pGL4.38[luc2P/p53 RE/Hygro]载体质粒图谱和多克隆位点信息


pGL4.38 载体特征

pGL4.38[luc2P/p53 RE/Hygro]载体简介

The pGL4.38[luc2P/p53 RE/Hygro] Vector contains two copies of a p53 response element (p53 RE) that drives transcription of the luciferase reporter gene luc2P (Photinus pyralis). luc2P is a synthetically-derived luciferase sequence with humanized codon optimization that is designed for high expression and reduced anomalous transcription. The luc2P gene contains hPEST, a protein destabilization sequence, which allows luc2P protein levels to respond more quickly than those of luc2 to induction of transcription. The vector backbone contains an ampicillin resistance gene to allow selection in E. coli and a gene for hygromycin resistance to allow selection of stably transfected mammalian cell lines.

Example Protocol
In this example protocol, the pGL4.38[luc2P/p53 RE/Hygro] Vector is used to measure
activation of the p53 RE in U2OS cells upon treatment with doxorubicin, etoposide, nutlin-
3, or mitomycin c. The pGL4.75 Vector (encoding Renilla luciferase) is used as a
normalization control. In designing such experiments, it is important that the chosen cell
type can be transfected efficiently and that it expresses the proper components of the signaling
pathway of interest in order to generate the biological response. Protocol optimization
may be required for your particular cell type and assay conditions.

 Complete medium [McCoy’s 5A (Life Technologies Cat.# 16600) + 10% FBS (Life
Technologies Cat.# 16000) + 1X NEAA (Life Technologies Cat.# 11140) + 1X
sodium pyruvate (Life Technologies Cat.# 11360)]
 Dulbecco’s PBS (DPBS; Life Technologies Cat. # 14190)
 0.05% Tryspin-EDTA (Life Technologies Cat.# 25300)
 Charcoal-stripped FBS (Life Technologies Cat.# 126776-011)
 Opti-MEM I (Life Technologies Cat.# 31985)
 FuGENE HD Transfection Reagent (Cat.# E2311)
 Doxorubicin (Sigma Cat.# D1515)
 Etoposide (Calbiochem Cat.# 341205)
 Mitomycin c (Sigma Cat.# 705436)
 Nutlin-3 (Sigma Cat.# N6287)
 DMSO (Sigma Cat.# D2650)
 Dual-Glo Luciferase Assay System (Cat.# E2940)
 U2OS cells
 pGL4.75[hRluc/CMV] Vector (Cat.# E6931)

Day 1: Plate Cells
1. Grow U2OS cells in complete medium (McCoy’s 5A + 10% FBS + 1X NEAA + 1X
sodium pyruvate). Wash with DPBS and treat with one volume of 0.05% trypsin-
EDTA. Resuspend the cells in four volumes of complete medium.
2. Quantify the cells and dilute to 1 × 105 cells/ml in complete medium.
3. Plate 100μl per well to a solid, white 96-well plate (Corning Cat.# 3917).
4. Incubate for 24 hours in a 37°C, 5% CO2 incubator.

Day 2: Transfection
1. Dilute pGL4.38[luc2P/p53 RE/Hygro] and pGL4.75 [hRluc/CMV] Renilla luciferase
control vector constructs in a 10:1 mass ratio, respectively, to 12.5ng total DNA/μl in
Opti-MEM I.
2. Add FuGENE HD to a 3:1 lipid:DNA ratio. Mix by pipetting. Incubate at room temperature
for 20 minutes.
3. Add 8μl transfection complex per well (100ng DNA/well) and incubate for 24 hours
in a 37°C, 5% CO2 incubator.

Day 3: Medium Replacement and Cell Treatment
1. Resuspend doxorubicin to 50mM in water. Resuspend etoposide to 50mM in DMSO.
Resuspend mitomycin c to 1mM in water. Resuspend nutlin-3 to 10mM in DMSO.
Make serial dilutions in either water or DMSO and then dilute into Opti-MEM I to
make 10X stocks.
2. Remove existing medium from cells and replace with 72μl of McCoy’s 5A + 0.5%
charcoal-stripped FBS per well.
3. Add 8μl of the 10X compound dilutions and incubate for 18 or 40 hours in a 37°C,
5% CO2 incubator.

Day 4: Luminescence Measurement
1. Remove plates from the 37°C, 5% CO2 incubator and allow to cool to room temperature
for approximately 15 minutes.
2. Add 80μl of the Dual-Glo Luciferase Assay System detection reagents and measure
luminescence following the recommended protocol (Refer to the Dual-Glo
Luciferase Assay System Technical Manual, #TM058 for details).

pGL4.38[luc2P/p53 RE/Hygro]载体序列

hz-1227R Ack1  醋酸激酶1抗体
hz-3038R Phospho-Ack1(Tyr859/860)  磷酸化Ack1抗体
hz-3045R Phospho-Ack1(Tyr284)  磷酸化Ack1抗体
hz-3046R Phospho-Ack1(Tyr326)  磷酸化Ack1抗体
hz-5022R ACSL1  长链脂肪酸辅酶A连接酶1/2抗体
hz-0443R ACTH (1-39)  促肾上腺皮质**(1-39)抗体
hz-3678R Phospho-MKP1 (Ser318)  磷酸化丝裂原活化蛋白激酶磷酸酶1抗体
hz-0442R ACTH (18-39)  促肾上腺皮质**ACTH(18-39)抗体
hz-0004R ACTH (7-23)  促肾上腺皮质**ACTH (7-23)抗体
hz-0189R Actin α/alpha-SMA  肌动蛋白α(α-SMA)抗体
hz-4178R Sarcomeric Alpha Actinin/ACTN2  α横纹肌辅肌动蛋白/α-SCA抗体
hz-1741R alpha Actinin 4  α-辅肌动蛋白4抗体
hz-1571R F-Actin  纤维状肌动蛋白抗体
hz-5031R ACOT8  酰基辅酶A硫酯酶8
hz-5032R Agpat2  溶血磷脂酸酰基转移酶β抗体
hz-5033R AGPAT4  溶血磷脂酸酰基转移酶D抗体
hz-5633R phospho-SYT1(Thr202)  磷酸化突触结合蛋白1抗体
hz-4172R Synaptotagmin 1/SYT1  突触结合蛋白1抗体
hz-5629R phospho-SYT1(Ser309)  磷酸化突触结合蛋白1抗体
hz-5630R phospho-SYN1(Ser549)  磷酸化神经突触素1抗体
hz-5631R phospho-SYN1(Ser603)   磷酸化神经突触素1抗体
hz-5632R phospho-SYN1(Ser62+Ser67)  磷酸化神经突触素1抗体
hz-0046R AD7c-NTP  神经丝蛋白抗体
hz-5858R ADAMTS2  整合素样金属蛋白酶与凝血酶2型抗体
hz-2105R AD7C-NTP(human)  神经丝蛋白抗体(人)
hz-0720M AD7C-NTP  神经丝蛋白抗体

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