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  • 产品名称:pcDNA6.2/cTC-Tag-DEST
  • 产品型号:
  • 产品展商:HZbscience
  • 产品文档:无相关文档
  • 发布时间:2017-07-18
  • 在线询价


载体名称: pcDNA6.2/cTC-Tag-DEST
质粒类型: 哺乳动物细胞表达载体;cDNA表达载体;荧光报告载体;Gateway载体
高拷贝/低拷贝: 高拷贝
克隆方法: Gateway
启动子: CMV
载体大小: 6809 bp
5' 测序引物及序列: T7 Forward: 5’-TAATACGACTCACTATAGGG-3’
3' 测序引物及序列: TK polyA Reverse: 5’-CTTCCGTGTTTCAGTTAGC-3’
载体标签: V5 Epitope(C-端);TC tag(C-端)
载体抗性: 氨苄青霉素 ,氯霉素(仅空载体)
筛选标记: Blasticidin
克隆菌株: DB3.1
宿主细胞(系): 常规细胞系,如293、Hela等
备注: pcDNA6.2/cTC-Tag-DEST载体是cDNA的表达与克隆载体;
CMV启动子驱动目的基因的过表达 ;
TC Tag 即 tetracysteine 基序是一段六氨基酸残基的肽段 (Cys-Cys-Pro-Gly-Cys-Cys);
产品目录号: T34563
稳定性: 瞬表达 或 稳表达
组成型/诱导型: 组成型
病毒/非病毒: 非病毒



pcDNA6.2-cTC-Tag-DEST 克隆位点

pcDNA6.2-cTC-Tag-DEST 载体特征1
pcDNA6.2-cTC-Tag-DEST 载体特征2


 载体特征  pcDNA6.2/cTC-Tag-DEST 载体含有以下元件:
 Human cytomegalovirus immediate-early (CMV) promoter/enhancer for high-level expression in a wide range of mammalian cells
 TC-Tag for C-terminal fusion to the gene of interest for fluorescence detection
 Two recombination sites, attR1 and attR2, downstream of the CMV promoter for recombinational cloning of the gene of interest from an entry clone
 Chloramphenicol resistance gene located between the two attR sites for counterselection
 The ccdB gene located between the two attR sites for negative selection
 The Herpes Simplex Virus thymidine kinase polyadenylation signal for proper termination and processing of the recombinant transcript
 f1 intergenic region for production of single-strand DNA in F plasmidcontaining E. coli
 SV40 early promoter and origin for expression of the Blasticidin resistance gene and stable propagation of the plasmid in mammalian hosts expressing the SV40 large T antigen
 Blasticidin resistance gene for selection of stable cell lines
 The pUC origin for high copy replication and maintenance of the plasmid in E. coli
 The ampicillin resistance gene for selection in E. coli Tetracysteine 基序 Both the FlAsH-EDT2 and ReAsH-EDT2 reagents bind a tetracysteine motif consisting of Cys-Cys-Xaa-Xaa-Cys-Cys where Cys equals cysteine and Xaa equals any amino acid other than cysteine. This motif is rarely seen in naturally occurring proteins allowing specific fluorescence labeling of recombinant proteins fused to the TC-Tag. In the TC-FlAsH TC-ReAsH II In-Cell Tetracysteine Tag Detection Kit, the optimized Cys-Cys-Pro-Gly-Cys-Cys tetracysteine motif is used as this motif has been shown to have a higher affinity for and more rapid binding to biarsenic compounds as well as enhanced stability compared to other characterized motifs. Tetracysteine标记技术的优点: The TC-FlAsH TC-ReAsH II In-Cell Tetracysteine Tag Detection Kit uses biarsenical labeling reagents to bind and detect proteins containing a tetracysteine motif (i.e. TC-Tag).2 Using the TC-FlAsH TC-ReAsH II In-Cell Tetracysteine Tag Detection Kits for fluorescence labeling of recombinant proteins provides the following advantages:
 Small size of the TC-Tag (6 amino acids, 585 Da) is less likely to interfere with the structure or biological activity of the protein of interest
 FlAsH-EDT2 and ReAsH-EDT2 labeling reagents are membrane-permeable and readily cross the cell membrane, allowing labeling and detection of recombinant proteins in live mammalian cells
 FlAsH-EDT2 and ReAsH-EDT2 labeling reagents bind the TC-Tag with high specificity and high affinity (nanomolar or lower dissociation constant), allowing targeted labeling of the protein of interest5
 FlAsH-EDT2 and ReAsH-EDT2 labeling reagents become strongly fluorescent (green and red, respectively) only upon binding the TC-Tag, allowing specific detection of TC-tagged proteins
 FlAsH-EDT2 and ReAsH-EDT2 labeling reagents can be applied sequentially on the same sample, allowing temporal detection of protein turnover and trafficking.
 ReAsH-EDT2 labeling reagent can be used for both fluorescence-based microscopy and electron microscopy.
 FlAsH-EDT2 labeling reagent provides a superior alternative to yellowfluorescent protein (YFP) when coupled with cyan-fluorescent protein (CFP) for FRET-based cellular analysis. 检测试剂盒及使用方法 The TC-FlAsH TC-ReAsH II In-Cell Tetracysteine Tag Detection Kit consists of two major components:
 The tetracysteine TC-Tag (Cys-Cys-Pro-Gly-Cys-Cys) in the pcDNA6.2/TCTag-DEST vector. When fused to a gene of interest, the TC-Tag allows the expressed fusion protein to be specifically recognized by a biarsenical labeling reagent. For more information on the tetracysteine motif, see below.
 A biarsenical labeling reagent, FlAsH-EDT2 or ReAsH-EDT2, which becomes fluorescent upon binding to recombinant proteins containing the TC-Tag. The FlAsH-EDT2 or ReAsH-EDT2 labeling reagents are supplied pre-complexed to the dithiol EDT (1,2-ethanedithiol) which stabilizes and solubilizes the biarsenic reagents. 检测TC-Tag融合蛋白 Introduction Once you have transfected your expression clone into mammalian cells, you may:
 Detect protein expression and localization in live cells by fluorescence microscopy using the TC-FlAsH or TC-ReAsH II In-Cell Tetracysteine Tag Detection Kits. For detailed guidelines and protocols, refer to the TCFlAsH or TC-ReAsH II In-Cell Tetracysteine Tag Detection Kits instruction manual.
 Detect protein expression directly in polyacrylamide gels using the Lumio Green Detection Kit. 胶内检测 For sensitive and specific in-gel detection of TC-Tagged fusion proteins, we recommend the Lumio Green Detection Kit available from Invitrogen (LC6090). The Lumio Green Detection Kit enables immediate visualization of TC-Tagged proteins in polyacrylamide gels using a UV transilluminator or a visible light laser-based scanner and without the need for staining or western blotting. In addition, the BenchMark Fluorescent Protein Standard (LC5928) allows you to easily visualize molecular weight ranges of proteins labeled with Lumio Green Detection Reagent.

Western Blotting You may detect expression of your recombinant fusion protein using the Anti-V5 Antibody (R960-25), Anti-V5-HRP Antibody (R961-25), or Anti-V5-AP Antibody (R962-25) available from Invitrogen. You may use any method of  choice to prepare your mammalian cell lysates for Western blot analysis. 

We recommend the following guidelines:
 If you plan to analyze your samples using the Lumio Green Detection Kit in addition to Western blotting, you will need to prepare your samples using lysis buffer. Lysates containing standard Laemmli SDS-PAGE sample buffer will not be suitable for in-gel detection with the Lumio Green Detection Kit. Refer to the Lumio Green Detection Kit manual for a protocol to prepare cell lysates that are compatible with both in-gel detection and Western blot analysis.
 For cells transfected with the pcDNA6.2/nTC-Tag-p64 positive control vector, you will need to prepare lysates using RIPA or SDS-PAGE sample buffer to adequately release p64 from the nucleoli. If you are preparing samples using lysis buffer, you may sonicate your samples to release p64.
 To detect p64 (human c-myc) expression, you may use any of the Anti-V5 Antibodies or the Anti-myc Antibodies available from Invitrogen.

Note: The c-myc gene encodes a protein with an expected molecular weight of 48 kDa, however, the native protein actually runs at a range of 55–64 kDa on an SDS-PAGE gel. Gateway技术 The Gateway Technology is a universal cloning method that takes advantage of the site-specific recombination properties of bacteriophage lambda1 to provide a rapid and highly efficient way to move your gene of interest into multiple vector systems. To express your gene of interest in mammalian cells using Gateway Technology, simply:
1. Clone your gene of interest into a Gateway entry vector to create an entry clone.
2. Generate an expression clone by performing an LR recombination reaction between the entry clone and a Gateway destination vector (e.g.pcDNA6.2/ cTC-Tag-DEST or pcDNA6.2/nTC-Tag-DEST).
3. Transfect your expression clone into the cell line of choice for transient or stable expression of your gene of interest.
For more information on Gateway, refer to the Gateway Technology with Clonase II manual. 


hz-8488R FNDC8  Ⅲ型纤维连接蛋白域蛋白8抗体
hz-8489R FBXO7  F-box蛋白家族FBXO7抗体
hz-8490R FBXO11  F-box蛋白家族FBXO11抗体
hz-8491R FBXO25  F-box蛋白家族FBXO25抗体
hz-8492R FBXO18  F-box蛋白家族FBXO18抗体
hz-8493R RFPL2/RFPL3  RET指蛋白样2/3抗体
hz-8494R RFPL4A/RNF210  环指蛋白210抗体
hz-8495R RFPL4B/RNF211  环指蛋白211抗体
hz-8496R RFESD  RFESD蛋白抗体
hz-8497R RENBP  肾素结合蛋白抗体
hz-8498R REG1β/REG1 beta  胰岛****因子β抗体
hz-8499R RED/CSA2  软骨肉瘤相关蛋白2抗体
hz-1087R ANGPT3/ANG3/ANGPT4/ANG4  血管生成素3/血管生成素4抗体
hz-8500R RFTN2  RFTN2蛋白抗体
hz-8501R RGAG4  RGAG4蛋白抗体
hz-8502R caspase-9 p10  半胱胺酸蛋白酶蛋白9-p10抗体
hz-8503R S100A10  S100钙结合蛋白A10抗体
hz-8504R UNC93B  内质网膜蛋白UNC93B抗体
hz-8505R hnRNP M/CEAR  异质性核糖核蛋白M抗体
hz-8506R OSTM1  骨硬化病相关跨膜蛋白1抗体
hz-8507R Hairless  无毛发蛋白抗体
hz-8508R Brn-2  大脑蛋白2抗体

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