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  • 产品名称:pcDNA6.2/nGeneBLAzer-GW/D-TOPO
  • 产品型号:
  • 产品展商:HZbscience
  • 产品文档:无相关文档
  • 发布时间:2017-07-18
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载体名称: pcDNA6.2/nGeneBLAzer-GW/D-TOPO
质粒类型: 哺乳动物表达载体;β内酰胺酶报告载体;TOPO载体;cDNA表达载体;
高拷贝/低拷贝: 高拷贝
克隆方法: TOPO-TA
启动子: CMV
载体大小: 5945 bp
5' 测序引物及序列: T7 Forward: 5’-TAATACGACTCACTATAGGG-3’
3' 测序引物及序列: TK polyA Reverse: 5-TTGTCTCCTTCCGTGTTTCA-3
载体标签: n-BLA (Beta-Lactamase) ; V5 (C Term)
载体抗性: 氨苄青霉素
筛选标记: Blasticidin
克隆菌株: Mach1-T1R
宿主细胞(系): 常规细胞系,如293、Hela等
备注: pcDNA6.2/nGeneBLAzer-GW/D-TOPO载体是β内酰胺酶报告载体;
产品目录号: 12578-100
稳定性: 瞬表达 或 稳表达
组成型/诱导型: 组成型
病毒/非病毒: 非病毒



pcDNA6.2-nGeneBLAzer-GW-D-TOPO TOPO克隆位点

pcDNA6.2-nGeneBLAzer-GW-D-TOPO 载体特征1
pcDNA6.2-nGeneBLAzer-GW-D-TOPO 载体特征2


pcDNA6.2/nGeneBLAzer-GW/D-TOPO载体含有以下元件: Human cytomegalovirus immediate-early (CMV) promoter/enhancer for high-level expression in a wide range of mammalian cells
 β-lactamase bla(M) reporter gene for C-terminal (pcDNA6.2/cGeneBLAzerGW/D-TOPO) or N-terminal (pcDNA6.2/nGeneBLAzer-GW/D-TOPO)fusion to the gene of interest
 attB1 and attB2 sites for site-specific recombination of the expression clone with a Gateway donor vector to generate an entry clone
 Directional TOPO Cloning site for rapid and efficient directional cloning of blunt-end PCR products (see page 3 for more information)
 The V5 epitope tag for detection using Anti-V5 antibodies (pcDNA6.2/nGeneBLAzer-GW/D-TOPO only)
 The Herpes Simplex Virus thymidine kinase polyadenylation signal for proper termination and processing of the recombinant transcript
 f1 intergenic region for production of single-strand DNA in F plasmidcontaining E. coli
 SV40 early promoter and origin for expression of the Blasticidin resistance gene and stable propagation of the plasmid in mammalian hosts expressing the SV40 large T antigen
 Blasticidin resistance gene for selection of stable cell lines
 The pUC origin for high copy replication and maintenance of the plasmid in E. coli
 The ampicillin resistance gene for selection in E. coli GeneBLAzer技术的优势 Suitable for use as a sensitive reporter of gene expression in living mammalian cells using fluorescence microscopy.
 Provides ratiometric readout to minimize differences due to variability in cell number, substrate concentration, fluorescence intensity, and emission sensitivity.
 Compatible with a wide variety of in vivo and in vitro applications including microplate-based transcriptional assays and flow cytometry.
 Provides a flexible and simple assay development platform for gene expression in mammalian cells.
 Using a non-toxic substrate allows continued cell culturing after quantitative analysis. GeneBLAzer系统的组成 The GeneBLAzer System facilitates fluorescence detection of β-lactamase reporter activity in mammalian cells, and consists of two major components:
 The β-lactamase reporter gene, bla(M), a truncated form of the E. coli bla gene.
When fused to a gene of interest, the bla(M) gene can be used as a reporter of gene expression in mammalian cells. For more information about the bla(M) gene, see below.
 A fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET)-enabled substrate, CCF2 to facilitate fluorescence detection of β-lactamase activity. In the absence or presence of β-lactamase reporter activity, cells loaded with the CCF2 substrate fluoresce green or blue, respectively. Comparing the ratio of blue to green fluorescence in a population of live cells or in a cell extract of your sample to a negative control provides a means to quantitate gene expression. For more information about the CCF2 substrate and how FRET works, refer to the GeneBLAzer Detection Kits manual. β内酰胺酶基因(bla) β-lactamase is the product encoded by the ampicillin resistance gene (bla) and is the bacterial enzyme that hydrolyzes penicillins and cephalosporins. The bla gene is present in many cloning vectors and allows ampicillin selection in E. coli. β-lactamase enzyme activity is not found in mammalian cells.bla(M) Gene The GeneBLAzer Technology uses a modiied bla gene as a reporter in mammalian cells. This bla gene is derived from the E. coli TEM-1 gene present in many cloning vectors (Zlokarnik et al., 1998), and has been modified in the following ways:
 72 nucleotides encoding the first 24 amino acids of β-lactamase were deleted from the N-terminal region of the gene. These 24 amino acids comprise the bacterial periplasmic signal sequence, and deleting this region allows cytoplasmic expression of β-lactamase in mammalian cells.
 The amino acid at position 24 was mutated from His to Asp to create an optimal Kozak sequence for optimal translation initiation. This modified reporter gene is named bla(M).
Note: The TEM-1 gene also contains 2 mutations (at nucleotide positions 452 and 753) that distinguish it from the bla gene in pBR322 (Sutcliffe, 1978). 检测重组蛋白 Depending on the kit you are using, you will assay for β-lactamase reporter activity through in vivo or in vitro detection methods. A brief description of each detection method is provided below. For detailed information, refer to the GeneBLAzer Detection Kits manual. If you have generated a pcDNA6.2/nGeneBLAzer-GW/D-TOPO expression construct that contains your gene of interest fused to the V5 epitope tag, you may also detect your recombinant fusion protein by Western blot analysis using the Anti-V5 Antibodies. 体外检测 Using the GeneBLAzer In Vitro Detection Kit allows you to quantitate the amount of intracellular β-lactamase in cells based on the β-lactamase activity in lysates.
To detect β-lactamase activity in mammalian cell lysates, use the CCF2-FA substrate. CCF2-FA is the non-esterified, free acid form of CCF2, and is recommended for in vitro use because it is readily soluble in aqueous solution and may be added directly to pre-made cell lysates. Once added to cell lysates, you may quantitate the CCF2-FA fluorescence signal using a fluorescence plate reader or a fluorometer.
To prepare cell lysates from mammalian cells containing the bla(M) reporter gene, you must use a method that will preserve the activity of the β-lactamase enzyme. 
Refer to the GeneBLAzer Detection Kits manual for detailed guidelines and protocols to prepare CCF2-FA solution, prepare cell lysates and samples, and detect CCF2 signal. 体内检测 Using the GeneBLAzer In Vivo Detection Kit allows you to measure β-lactamase reporter activity in live mammalian cells. Once β-lactamase reporter activity has been measured, cells may cultured further for use in additional assays or other downstream applications.
To detect β-lactamase activity in live mammalian cells, use the CCF2-AM substrate. CCF2-AM is the membrane-permeable, esterified form of CCF2, and is recommended for in vivo use because it is non-toxic, lipophilic, and readily enters the cell. Once cells are “loaded” with CCF2-AM, you may quantitate the CCF2 fluorescence signal using a variety of methods.
Refer to the GeneBLAzer Detection Kits manual for detailed guidelines and protocols to prepare CCF2-AM solution, load cells with CCF2-AM substrate, and detect CCF2 signal. 实验材料: Purified plasmid DNA of your entry clone (50–150 ng/ μL in TE, pH 8.0)
 pcDNA6.2/nGeneBLAzer-GW/D-TOPO or pcDNA6.2/nGeneBLAzer-GW/D-TOPO vector (150 ng/μL in TE, pH 8.0)
 LR Clonase enzyme mix (keep at –80°C until immediately before use)
 5X LR Clonase Reaction Buffer (supplied with the LR Clonase enzyme mix)
 pENTR-gus positive control, optional (50 ng/μL in TE, pH 8.0; supplied with the LR Clonase enzyme mix)
 TE Buffer, pH 8.0 (10 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.0, 1 mM EDTA)
 2 μg/μL Proteinase K solution (supplied with the LR Clonase enzyme mix; thaw and keep on ice until use)
 Appropriate competent E. coli host and growth media for expression
 S.O.C. Medium
 LB agar plates containing the appropriate antibiotic to select for expression clones 


hz-8536R Nucleolin/C23  核仁蛋白C23抗体
hz-8537R Thymidylate synthase/TS  胸苷酸合成酶抗体
hz-8538R EP4R/Prostaglandin E Receptor EP4  前列腺素E受体蛋白4抗体
hz-8539R Luciferase  荧光素酶抗体
hz-8540R TSHZ3/ZNF537  锌指蛋白537抗体
hz-8541R CLECSF9/CLEC 4E  C型凝集素4家族E抗体
hz-8542R MSH3  错配修复蛋白3抗体
hz-8543R PPY/Pancreatic hormone  胰腺**抗体
hz-8544R GABR B3/GABA A Receptor beta 3  G氨基丁酸受体3抗体
hz-8546R KRIT1  脑海绵状血管畸形蛋白1抗体
hz-8547R HPV16 L2  人**瘤病毒16型L2抗体
hz-8548R OLIG1  少突胶质细胞转录因子1
hz-8549R SH2B1  SH2B蛋白抗体
hz-8550R Coronin 1a  肌动蛋白结合蛋白CORO1A抗体
hz-8551R Nitrotyrosine  硝基酪氨酸抗体
hz-8552R XDH/Xanthine Oxidase  黄嘌呤氧化酶抗体
hz-8553R phospho-CstF64(Ser498)  磷酸化细胞分裂相关蛋白CSTF64抗体
hz-8554R Hhzoglobin Beta  血红蛋白β抗体
hz-8555R Desmuslin  中间丝蛋白β-synhzin抗体
hz-8556R G Protein alpha Inhibitor 1  G蛋白α抑制蛋白1抗体
hz-8557R DSPP/Dentin phosphophoryn  牙本质磷蛋白抗体
hz-8558R Cathepsin S  组织蛋白酶S抗体

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