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pcDNA4/TO/Myc-His B

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  • 产品名称:pcDNA4/TO/Myc-His B
  • 产品型号:
  • 产品展商:HZbscience
  • 产品文档:无相关文档
  • 发布时间:2017-07-19
  • 在线询价
pcDNA4/TO/Myc-His B的各批次质粒菌株发货前均经过严格的多重验证,如存在质量问题,请在收到产品的三个月内通知我司。收到pcDNA4/TO/Myc-His B后请短暂离心,取2μl转化至对应感受态中,挑取单克隆重新提取质粒后使用。

pcDNA4/TO/Myc-His B载体基本信息

载体名称: pcDNA4/TO/Myc-His B
质粒类型: 哺乳动物表达载体;四环素诱导载体
高拷贝/低拷贝: --
启动子: CMV/TO
克隆方法: 多克隆位点,限制性内切酶
载体大小: 5155bp
5' 测序引物及序列: CMV forward 5’-CGCAAATGGGCGGTAGGCGTG-3’
3' 测序引物及序列: BGH Reverse: 5-TAGAAGGCACAGTCGAGG-3
载体标签: His Tag (6x), Xpress Epitope Tag
载体抗性: 氨苄青霉素
筛选标记: Zeocin
克隆菌株: TOP10F´, DH5aF´, JM109, and INVaF´
宿主细胞(系): T-REx-293 R710-07;
T-REx-HeLa R714-07;
T-REx-U2OS R712-07;
T-REx-Jurkat R722-07
备注: pcDNA4/TO/myc-His B 载体是四环素诱导系统的应答载体,对应的调控载体是pcDNA6/TR;
pcDNA4/TO/myc-His A,B,C的区别仅在多克隆位点处;
产品目录号: V1030-20
稳定性: 稳表达 或 瞬表达
组成型: 诱导型
病毒/非病毒: 非病毒

pcDNA4/TO/Myc-His B载体质粒图谱和多克隆位点信息

pcDNA4-TO-myc-His B 载体图谱

pcDNA4-TO-myc-His B 多克隆位点

pcDNA4-TO-myc-His B 载体特征
pcDNA4-TO-myc-His 载体特征1
pcDNA4-TO-myc-His 载体特征2

pcDNA4/TO/Myc-His B载体简介

The T-REx System yields higher levels of induced expression than any other regulated mammalian expression system. It utilizes the complete CMV promoter and adds control elements from the bacterial tetracycline resistance operon to effectively repress and derepress transcription from one of the strongest mammalian promoter sequences known (1,2).

Specific Activation
The T-REx System uses a repressor mechanism that blocks transcription from the powerful CMV promoter in the absence of tetracycline. Because the T-REx System elements do not use viral transactivators, you can achieve high-level expression from the complete CMV promoter without secondary, non-specific activation of host genes.

The T-REx Mechanism
The T-REx transcriptional control elements are illustrated in Figure 1. Two tetracycline operator sequences (TetO2) have been inserted between the TATA box of the CMV promoter and the transcriptional start site. The TetO2 sequence itself has no effect on expression. When the tetracycline repressor protein (TR) is present, it effectively binds the TetO2 sites and blocks transcription initiation. Tetracycline added to the culture medium binds to, and changes the conformation of, the TR protein. This change causes the TR protein to release the TetO2 sites, derepressing transcription from the CMV promoter. The result is high-level expression of the gene of interest (Figure 2). Expression levels can be modulated based on the tetracycline concentration and can be induced to levels that are achieved with constitutive CMV expression vectors.
T-REx is a powerful inducible mammalian expression system that allows you to regulate expression from the complete human cytomegalovirus (CMV) enhancer-promoter. T-RExinducible expression vectors offer the following features:

 Complete CMV enhancer-promoter sequence containing two copies of the tetracycline operator TetO2 sequence for high-level regulated expression
 Zeocin or hygromycin resistance gene for effective selection of stable mammalian cell lines
 Large multiple cloning site to simplify cloning

In addition, pcDNA4/TO/myc-His offers a c-myc epitope for rapid detection of the recombinant protein with an Anti-myc Antibody and a polyhistidine (6xHis) sequence for simple purification of the recombinant protein with nickel-chelating resin and detection with Anti- His(C-term) Antibody.

The regulatory vector, pcDNA6/TR, is provided for high-level expression of the tetracycline repressor (TR) protein. This vector expresses the Blasticidin resistance gene for rapid selection of mammalian cell lines that stably express the TR protein. 

pcDNA4/TO/Myc-His B载体序列

hz-1456R A2AR/Adenosine A2a receptor  腺苷A2A受体抗体
hz-0094R AACT-Alpha1/A1ACT  α-1抗胰糜蛋白酶抗体
hz-1507R AAK1  AP2关联激酶1抗体
hz-2123R Cyp2-j3  细胞色素P450Ⅱj3抗体
hz-2128R OST-beta  有机溶质转运蛋白OSTβ抗体
hz-3914R AANAT  芳香胺N-乙酰化转移酶抗体
hz-2133R AT2R2  血管紧张素Ⅱ受体2抗体
hz-2137R Influenza A virus (Duck)  鸭流感病毒抗体
hz-2150R TNF-alpha  肿瘤坏死因子-α抗体
hz-1603R AARS2  丙氨酰tRNA合成酶2抗体
hz-2185R TDRD9/HIG1  缺氧诱导蛋白HIG1抗体
hz-2257R SIRT1/sirtuin 1  沉默调节蛋白1抗体
hz-2321R Spindly/CCDC99  亚砷盐相关蛋白抗体
hz-2354R TBX-5  转录因子Tbx5抗体
hz-0096R AAT/Tryptase  α-1抗胰蛋白酶抗体
hz-1510R AATK  AATK细胞凋亡关联酪氨酸激酶抗体
hz-2451R NMP-22  核基质蛋白22
hz-1229R AATF  拮抗凋亡转录因子抗体
hz-1627R ABCA1/ABC1  腺苷三磷酸结合盒转运体A1抗体
hz-1761R ABCD1/CCL22  嗜酸粒细胞趋化蛋白22抗体
hz-1604R ABCB5  ATP结合蛋白家族5抗体
hz-1224R ABCB6  ATP结合蛋白家族6抗体
hz-1960R ABCF1  ATP结合盒蛋白家族GCN20F家族1抗体

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