  • 注册时间:2015-11-06
  • 联系人:游艳
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  • 产品名称:pHIS1525
  • 产品型号:
  • 产品展商:HZbscience
  • 产品文档:无相关文档
  • 发布时间:2018-09-18
  • 在线询价


载体名称: pHIS1525
质粒类型: 巨大芽孢杆菌表达载体
高拷贝/低拷贝: --
启动子: --
克隆方法: 多克隆位点,限制性内切酶
载体大小: 7402 bp
5' 测序引物及序列: --
3' 测序引物及序列: --
载体标签: 6xHis
载体抗性: 氨苄青霉素四环素
筛选标记: 四环素
备注: --
产品目录号: --
稳定性: --
组成型: --
病毒/非病毒: --




Plasmids pHIS1522/pHIS1525 both contain the strong xylA promoter (PxylA)
originating from Bacillus megaterium. Transcription from this promoter is xylose
inducible (after xylose addition, the xylose repressor coded by the xylR gene on
the plasmids is released from PxylA and transcription is initiated). The most
convenient cloning sites for insertion of DNA fragments carrying heterologous
genes are located in an open reading frame (orf1) under control of the xyloseinducible
promoter PxylA (15 unique restriction sites; see sequence). Therefore, any
protein can be expressed using one out of three functionally different fusion
A transcriptional fusion requires that the gene of interest carries its own ribosome
binding sequence (RBS) and translation initiation codon. Such a DNA fragment
can be fused into any of the available restriction sites within orf1. Whether the
resulting transcriptional fusion leads to expression of the gene of interest, which
is independent from orf1 expression, depends on the location of the created orf1
stop codon with respect to the start codon of the gene of interest. lf these are close
together, translational coupling may occur, in which the ribosomes translating the
orf1 reading frame would terminate at its stop codon, creating a locally high
concentration of ribosomes, so that translation initiation at the new start codon
would be more efficient compared to a construct in which the orf1 translation
terminates farther away from the start codon.
On the other hand, if the orf1 reading frame continues for a long distance into the
reading frame of the gene of interest, the ribosomes translating the created orf1
fusion protein might inhibit initiation of translation of the protein of interest.
Therefore, it is advisable to pay attention to placement of a stop codon when
constructing the gene fusion. Taken together, although a transcriptional or operon
fusion is constructed, the efficient translation of the orf1 reading frame, and any
fusion thereof created by the insertion, is likely to, positively or negatively,
influence the translation efficiency of the gene of interest.
Alternatively, a truncated version of the gene of interest, lacking its own start
codon, may be fused in frame to the orf1 reading frame on pHIS1522/pHIS1525
to create a translational or protein fusion. This will result in expression of a chimeric
protein consisting of up to 18 amino acids specified by the orf1 encoding
sequence, followed by the sequence encoded by the gene of interest.
Using the BsrGI restriction site directly before the ATG start codon enables cloning
without changing the N-terminus of the protein of interest. pHIS1525 contains a
sequence encoding the B. subtilis extracellular esterase (LipA) and allows cloning
of target genes directly after the signal peptidase restriction site using the Kas I,
Nar I, or SfoI restriction sites.
It is important to note that the multiple cloning site and its reading frame are
identical in pHIS1522 and pHIS1525 starting from BglII. Hence, a parallel
cloning strategy of the gene of interest in pHIS1522 for intracellular and in
pHIS1525 for extracellular production is possible. The 6xHis sequence upstream
the MCS allows convenient purification and detection of the expressed Histagged
target proteins. For expression of target proteins without a 6xHis tag,
suitable plasmid constructs (pMM1522 & pMM1525) are also available. 


hz-4902R Calponin 1/2/3  钙结合蛋白Calponin抗体
hz-4905R SORBS2/ArgBP2  精氨酸结合蛋白2抗体
hz-4906R SLC40A1/FPN1  细胞膜铁转运蛋白FP1抗体
hz-4907R TGF beta 3  转移生长因子β3(TGFβ3)抗体
hz-4908R TGF beta 1/LAP  转化生长因子β(TGFβ)抗体
hz-4909R TGF beta 2  转化生长因子β2(TGFβ2)抗体
hz-4910R MCSF/M-CSF  巨噬细胞克隆刺激因子抗体
hz-4911R Reg3 beta  胰岛β细胞生长因子Reg IIIα 抗体
hz-4912R Reg3 gamma  胰岛β细胞生长因子Reg IIIγ抗体
hz-4913R ENPP1  核苷酸内焦磷酸酶/磷酸二酯酶1抗体
hz-4915R ACCN1/BNaC1/ASIC2  脑钠通道蛋白1抗体
hz-4916R CD44/HCAM/PGP1  CD44抗体
hz-4917R BGP/Osteocalcin  骨保护蛋白/骨钙素抗体
hz-4918R ChRM3/Acetylcholine receptor(M3)  毒蕈碱型乙酰胆碱受体M3抗体
hz-4919R MSH3  错配修复蛋白3抗体
hz-4937R Cystatin A  胱抑素A/半胱氨酸蛋白酶抑制剂A抗体
hz-4938R SDF-1/CXCL12  基质细胞衍生因子1抗体
hz-4940R Metallothionein 3  金属硫蛋白3抗体
hz-4942R HIV1 p55+p24+p17  艾滋病病毒抗体
hz-4943R MPO/Myeloperoxidase  髓过氧化物酶抗体
hz-4944R SETBP1  SET结合蛋白1抗体
hz-4948R Bacillus anthraci protein  炭疽杆菌菌体蛋白抗体

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