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  • 产品名称:pNG_v2
  • 产品型号:
  • 产品展商:HZbscience
  • 产品文档:无相关文档
  • 发布时间:2018-07-12
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载体名称: pNG_v2
质粒类型: 靶向基因操作载体
高拷贝/低拷贝: 高拷贝
启动子: --
克隆方法: 多克隆位点,限制性内切酶
载体大小: 2746bp
5' 测序引物及序列: --
3' 测序引物及序列: --
载体标签: --
载体抗性: 卡纳霉素(Kanamycin
筛选标记: --
备注: 克隆菌株为Stbl3。
产品目录号: 32181
稳定性: --
组成型: --
病毒/非病毒: --




 Transcription activator-like effectors (TALEs) are a class of naturally occurring DNA binding proteins that can be easily customized to recognize novel DNA sequences.The DNA binding domain of each TALE consists of tandem 34-amino acid repeat modules that can be rearranged according to a simple cipher to target new DNA sequences.
	This open source TALE toolbox provides a complete set of plasmids for building your own TALE nucleases (TALENs) and transcription factors (TALE-TFs) for genome editing and transcription modulation applications. The tandem repeats are PCR amplified from the monomer template plasmids and cloned into either a TALE-TF or TALEN backbone depending on the application. All of these plasmids are included in the TALE Toolbox kit and are depicted below:
	Customized TALENs and TALE-TFs can be constructed within one week using this kit, and the process can be easily scaled up for the construction of multiple TALEs in parallel.
	This toolbox and accompanying documentation allow one to efficiently assemble TALEN constructs with custom repeat arrays, containing up to 24 of these repeats. The reagents include a plasmid construct for making custom TAL effectors and one for TAL effector fusions to additional proteins of interest. More information and help can be found at TALeffector Resources Center .
	A 1-page rapid assembly protocol has been created by the depositor to be used with this kit. A detailed description of this toolbox as well as protocols for testing the activity of custom TALENs and TALE-TFs in mammalian cell lines is described in the following publication.

	A TAL Effector Toolbox for Genome Engineering
	Neville E. Sanjana, Le Cong, Yang Zhou, Margaret M. Cunniff, Guoping Feng and Feng Zhang
	Nature Protocols 7, 171-192 (2012). Open Access Article
	The Zhang lab has also deposited plasmids from the following paper:
	Efficient construction of sequence-specific TAL effectors for modulating mammalian transcription.
	Feng Zhang, Le Cong, Simona Lodato, Sriram Kosuri, George M. Church, and Paola Arlotta
	Nature Biotechnology, 29, 149-153 (2011). PUBMED. Open Access Article
	Please note that the plasmids from this paper and the TALE Toolbox are not equivalent. The new monomer NI, NG, NN, and HD that come with this kit are updated. This new set is compatible with the new primer design, which allow TALEs to be assembled in a more efficient manner (it also allows for the construction of longer TALEs). The new constructs also have bioinformatic support from the taleffectors.com website, so that users can assemble TALE sequence with the Zhang lab’s online resource.
	The most important similarity between the Nature Biotechnology constructs and the TALE Toolbox plasmids is that both versions were optimized for human expression. In this regard, they are similar in terms of expression efficiency, which is evident in the less than 0.01 difference between the two sets of TALE monomers when computing their codon preference for Homo sapiens. 


hz-2532R ALT1  谷丙氨酸氨基转移酶1抗体
hz-7553R Eph receptor A2+A3+A4  内皮细胞受体蛋白酪氨酸激酶A2+A3+A4抗体
hz-7554R phospho-Eph receptor A2+A3+A4 (Tyr588 + Tyr596)  磷酸化内皮细胞受体蛋白酪氨酸激酶A2+A3+A4抗体
hz-7555R phospho-EPH A3+A4+A5 ( Tyr779)  磷酸化内皮细胞受体蛋白酪氨酸激酶A3+A4+A5抗体
hz-7556R FLAP/5-lipoxygenase activating protein  5脂氧合酶激活蛋白抗体
hz-7557R IKK alpha + IKK beta  KB抑制蛋白激酶α/β抗体
hz-7558R MC3 Receptor  黑素皮质素受体3抗体
hz-7559R PDGF AB+BB  血小板源性生长因子AB+BB抗体
hz-7560R CPLA2  胞浆型磷脂酶A2抗体
hz-7561R TIRAP  白细胞介素1受体衔接蛋白抗体
hz-7562R phospho-TIRAP(Tyr86)  磷酸化白细胞���素1受体衔接蛋白抗体
hz-7563R TNIP2/ABIN2/TNFAIP3 interacting protein 2  肿瘤坏死因子α诱导蛋白3相互作用蛋白2抗体
hz-7564R Azurocidin/Cationic antimicrobial protein 37  肝素结合蛋白/阳离子**蛋白37/天青杀素抗体
hz-7565R AGPB/Alpha 1 acid glycoprotein 2  α1酸性糖蛋白2抗体(类粘蛋白2)
hz-7566R RHBDD3  垂体瘤细胞凋亡抗体
hz-7567R RIP1  受体相互作用蛋白激酶1抗体
hz-7568R RNF122  环指蛋白122抗体
hz-7569R RNF36  环指蛋白36抗体
hz-7570R RNF7/CKBBP1  环指蛋白7抗体
hz-7571R RPS3  核糖体蛋白S3抗体
hz-7572R RRAGC  RAS相关GTP结合蛋白C抗体
hz-7573R SAA4/Serum amyloid A 4 protein  血清淀粉样蛋白4抗体

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