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  • 联系人:游艳
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  • 产品名称:Abbexa
  • 产品型号:
  • 产品展商:Abbexa
  • 产品文档:无相关文档
  • 发布时间:2019-07-17
  • 在线询价
Abbexa提供和经销生命科学,制药和生物技术方面的产品。公司位于英国剑桥,产品类 别包括一抗、二抗、同型对照、蛋白质、酶联** (elisa)试剂盒和酶等生物试剂。公司与世界不同实验室合作,研发与生物医学研究市场相关的高质量经过检验并且价格合理的产品,以满足客户的需要。 Abbexa近8000种一抗,包括少见的抗体如鲑鱼朊病毒单抗、霍乱内**EtxB单抗、糖基化载脂蛋白-B单抗、**内膜抗原单抗等,多种信号通路研究相关的抗体,很多不同位点磷酸化蛋白的抗体等。



Abbexa提供和经销生命科学,制药和生物技术方面的产品。公司位于英国剑桥,产品类 别包括一抗、二抗、同型对照、蛋白质、酶联** (elisa)试剂盒和酶等生物试剂。公司与世界不同实验室合作,研发与生物医学研究市场相关的高质量经过检验并且价格合理的产品,以满足客户的需要。


产品货号 产品名称 产品规格 产品品牌 参考价格
授权签约代理 Abbexa Abbexa 0.00
abx576720 Zebrafish Fish Interleukin 8 (IL8) ELISA Kit 96 tests ELISA kits 500.00
abx576709 Zebrafish Fish Interleukin 12A (IL12A) ELISA Kit 96 tests ELISA Kits 570.00
abx156250 Zebrafish Fibroblast Growth Factor 6 (FGF6) ELISA Kit 96 tests ELISA Kits 595.00
abx258208 Wingless Type MMTV Integration Site Family, Member 5A (WNT5A) ELISA Kit 96 tests ELISA Kits 560.00
abx258407 Wingless Type MMTV Integration Site Family, Member 3A (WNT3A) ELISA Kit 96 tests ELISA Kits 590.00
abx154865 Wingless Type MMTV Integration Site Family, Member 3A (WNT3A) ELISA Kit 96 tests ELISA Kits 550.00
abx514373 Vitamin K1 (VK1) ELISA Kit 96 tests ELISA Kits 385.00
abx575952 Vitamin K1 (VK1) ELISA Kit 96 tests ELISA Kits 410.00
abx156670 Vitamin K1 (VK1) ELISA Kit 96 tests ELISA Kits 560.00
abx351107 Vitamin H (VH) ELISA Kit 96 tests ELISA Kits 410.00
abx150389 Vitamin E (VE) ELISA Kit 96 tests ELISA Kits 560.00
abx514370 Vitamin E (VE) ELISA Kit 96 tests ELISA Kits 385.00
abx350596 Vitamin E (VE) ELISA Kit 96 tests ELISA Kits 410.00
abx350974 Vitamin D3 (VD3) ELISA Kit 96 tests ELISA Kits 410.00
abx514369 Vitamin D3 (VD3) ELISA Kit 96 tests ELISA Kits 385.00
abx156664 Vitamin D3 (VD3) ELISA Kit 96 tests ELISA Kits 560.00
abx153485 Vitamin D2 (VD2) ELISA Kit 96 tests ELISA Kits 560.00
abx156668 Vitamin C (VC) ELISA Kit 96 tests ELISA Kits 560.00
abx585033 Vitamin B7 (VB7) ELISA Kit 96 tests ELISA Kits 595.00
abx257136 Vitamin B6 (VB6) ELISA Kit 96 tests ELISA Kits 375.00
abx150386 Vitamin B6 (VB6) ELISA Kit 96 tests ELISA Kits 560.00
abx350884 Vitamin B6 (VB6) ELISA Kit 96 tests ELISA Kits 375.00
abx585032 Vitamin B2 (VB2) ELISA Kit 96 tests ELISA Kits 595.00
abx514372 Vitamin B12 (VB12) ELISA Kit 96 tests ELISA Kits 385.00
abx257137 Vitamin B12 (VB12) ELISA Kit 96 tests ELISA Kits 375.00
abx519433 Vitamin B1 (VB1) ELISA Kit 96 tests ELISA Kits 385.00
abx150384 Vitamin B1 (VB1) ELISA Kit 96 tests ELISA Kits 570.00
abx514371 Vitamin A (VA) ELISA Kit 96 tests ELISA Kits 385.00
abx150383 Vitamin A (Retinol) ELISA Kit 96 tests ELISA Kits 570.00


Abbexa is based at the World renowned CambridgeScience Park, in Cambridge, UK. We are a supplier and distributor of biologicaltools for the life science, pharmaceutical development and biotechnologysectors. We provide the scientific community with primary antibodies, secondaryantibodies, proteins, ELISA kits and enzymes as well as other kits and toolsfor use in research. Working with various laboratories across the World, we aimto develop relevant, high quality, tested products for the biomedical researchmarket.

Abbexa is a dedicated worldwide antibody supplierand protein supplier. Whether you are carrying out academic research,pharmaceutical research, disease research or other biological research, ourmonoclonal antibodies, polyclonal antibodies, proteins and biological reagentsare designed to facilitate your research. We appreciate that sometimes it ishard to find the right antibody to match your needs, and we therefore offer acustom protein, peptide and antibody production pipeline.

Abbexa is committed to providing scientists andresearchers with the best customer experience and high quality products. Wewant to provide you with the best support available, which is why we guaranteecustomer satisfaction. If you are unhappy with the performance of your productwe will offer you an immediate replacement or refund. Please have a look at ourquality guarantee for further details.



Abbexa供应一抗多达4809款,包括单克隆抗体及多克隆抗体,含少见的抗体如鲑鱼朊病毒单抗,霍乱内**EtxB单抗,糖基化载脂蛋白-B单抗,**内膜抗原单抗等,多种信号通路研究相关的抗体,很多不同位点磷酸化蛋白的抗体等。反应物种范围涵盖藻类,变形虫,**,牛类,猫,鸡,奶牛,狗,果蝇,鱼,青蛙,**,豚鼠,仓鼠,人,昆虫,水蛭,猴,小鼠,猪,植物,原生动物,兔,大鼠,海胆,绵羊,水生动物海绵,火鸡,病毒,蠕虫,酵母,斑马鱼等多个物种,来源物种包括羊///大小鼠/兔等,抗体包括未经交联,以及交联APC/ Biotin/ FITC/ HRP/ PE/ PE-Cy5/ PerCP等标记分子。广泛适用于WBIFIHCFCMELISA等生命科学研究。                  


Abbexa供应二抗多达 452款,包括单克隆抗体及多克隆抗体,反应物种包括牛////大小鼠/兔子等,宿主物种包括鸡//大小鼠/兔等。抗体有多种交联形式,广泛适用于WBIFIHCFCMELISA等生命科学研究。       

三、同型抗体(Isotype Control):






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