  • 产品名称:人卵巢表层上皮细胞

  • 产品型号:人卵巢表层上皮细胞
  • 产品厂商:原代细胞/细胞系
  • 产品价格:0
  • 折扣价格:0
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The human ovary is covered with a single layer of flat to cuboidal surface epithelial cells (OSE). OSE are physiologically involved in follicular rupture and the subsequent repair of the follicle wall during reproductive age. OSE exhibit a gland formation in coculture with endometrial stromal cells in an estrogen-rich environment [1]. The phenotypic plasticity of these cells shares a mesenchymal property when they are cultured on two layers of extracellular matrix and collagen gel [2]. OSE are the source of epithelial ovarian carcinomas. Understanding the mechanisms that regulate OSE cell survival, apoptosis, and cell growth is of great clinical importance because an aberrant signaling of any of these pathways is likely to be involved in epithelial ovarian cancer.

HOSEpiC from ScienCell Research Laboratories are isolated from human ovarian tissue. HOSEpiC are cryopreserved either at primary or passage one cultures and delivered frozen. Each vial contains >5 x 105 cells in 1 ml volume. HOSEpiC are characterized by immunofluorescent method with cytokeratine antibodies (CK-14, -18 and -19). HOSEpiC are negative for HIV-1, HBV, HCV, mycoplasma, bacteria, yeast and fungi. HOSEpiC are guaranteed to further expand for over 5 population doublings in the conditions provided by ScienCell Research Laboratories.

Recommended Medium

It is recommended to use Ovarian Epithelial Cell Medium (OEpiCM, Cat No 7311) for expanding HOEpiC in vitro.

Product Use

HOEpiC are for research use only. It is not approved for human or animal use, or for application in in vitro diagnostic procedures.


Directly and immediately transfer cells from dry ice to liquid nitrogen upon receiving and keep the cells in liquid nitrogen until cell culture needed for experiments.


Dry ice.


[1]. Murdoch WJ. (1995) Endothelial cell death in preovulatory ovine follicles: possible implication in the biomechanics of rupture. J Reprod Fertil 1995; 105:161-164.

[2]. Katabuchi H, Okamura H. (2003) Cell biology of human ovarian surface epithelial cells and ovarian carcinogenesis. Medical Electron Microscopy 36(2):74-86.

1. 弃去培养液,用PBS(不含钙,镁离子)洗1-2次。
2. 加1ml消化液(0.25%Trypsin-0.53mM EDTA)于培养瓶中,人卵巢表层上皮细胞倒转放于37度培养箱1-3分钟预热,然后又将培养瓶倒转大约30秒后,在倒置显微镜下观察细胞消化情况,若细胞大部分变圆分散,轻敲几下培养培养瓶,细胞随即脱落下来。
3. 加入6-8ml完全培养基,吸出,分到新的培养瓶中。1:3~1:6传代;2~3天1次。 

冻存方法:   冻存液:基础培养基+5%DMSO+20%FBS 
人卵巢表层上皮细胞其它细胞系展示表:yb-1276 THP-1(单核细胞白血病). 品牌ATCC 规格25毫升/株. 货期1-2周
yb-1277 SW620(结肠癌细胞). 品牌ATCC 规格25毫升/株. 货期1-2周
yb-1278 SK-N-SH(神经母细胞瘤细胞). 品牌ATCC 规格25毫升/株. 货期1-2周
yb-1279 SH-SY5Y(神经母细胞瘤细胞). 品牌ATCC 规格25毫升/株. 货期1-2周
yb-1280 COLO 205(结肠癌细胞). 品牌ATCC 规格25毫升/株. 货期1-2周
yb-1281 T/G HA-VSMC(人主动脉血管平滑肌细胞). 品牌ATCC 规格25毫升/株. 货期1-2周
yb-1282 HUVEC(人脐静脉血管内皮细胞). 品牌ATCC 规格25毫升/株. 货期1-2周
yb-1283 A10(大鼠主动脉血管平滑肌细胞). 品牌ATCC 规格25毫升/株. 货期1-2周
yb-1284 3T3-L1(小鼠脂肪细胞). 品牌ATCC 规格25毫升/株. 货期1-2周
yb-1285 A9(皮下结缔组织细胞). 品牌ATCC 规格25毫升/株. 货期1-2周
yb-1286 WEHI 22.1(B**细胞 ). 品牌ATCC 规格25毫升/株. 货期1-2周
yb-1287 NIH/3T3(胚胎成纤维细胞). 品牌ATCC 规格25毫升/株. 货期1-2周
yb-1288 MC3T3-E1 Subclone 14(小鼠原成骨细胞). 品牌ATCC 规格25毫升/株. 货期1-2周
yb-1289 L6(大鼠成肌细胞 ). 品牌ATCC 规格25毫升/株. 货期1-2周
yb-1290 H9c2(2-1)(大鼠心肌细胞). 品牌ATCC 规格25毫升/株. 货期1-2周
yb-1291 RSC96(大鼠雪旺细胞). 品牌ATCC 规格25毫升/株. 货期1-2周
yb-1292 CHO/dhFr-(中国仓鼠二氢叶酸还原酶缺陷细胞). 品牌ATCC 规格25毫升/株. 货期1-2周
yb-1293 Lec1(卵巢细胞). 品牌ATCC 规格25毫升/株. 货期1-2周
yb-1294 293T/17 [HEK 293T/17] (人胚肾细胞). 品牌ATCC 规格25毫升/株. 货期1-2周
yb-1295 AAV-293( 胚肾细胞 ). 品牌ATCC 规格25毫升/株. 货期1-2周
yb-1296 hFOB 1.19(SV40 转染成骨细胞). 品牌ATCC 规格25毫升/株. 货期1-2周
yb-1297 CCD-1095Sk(皮肤细胞 ). 品牌ATCC 规格25毫升/株. 货期1-2周
yb-1298 Hs 578Bst(乳腺细胞). 品牌ATCC 规格25毫升/株. 货期1-2周
yb-1299 NK-92(人恶性非霍奇金**瘤患者的自然杀伤细胞). 品牌ATCC 规格25毫升/株. 货期1-2周
yb-1300 NK-92MI(人恶性非霍奇金**瘤患者的自然杀伤细胞). 品牌ATCC 规格25毫升/株. 货期1-2周
yb-1301 HMy2.CIR(人B **母细胞). 品牌ATCC 规格25毫升/株. 货期1-2周
yb-1302 OK(负鼠(opossum)肾细胞). 品牌ATCC 规格25毫升/株. 货期1-2周
yb-1303 FO(骨髓瘤细胞). 品牌ATCC 规格25毫升/株. 货期1-2周

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