  • 产品名称:INCELL

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INCELLMicrobiology diagnostic, preventive and therapeutic products are developed by INCELL scientists, quality managers and manufacturing staff alone or with collaborators. The work includes GMP components manufacturing; complex formulation and packaging; identification and testing of live organisms, active ingredients, adjuvants, and excipients; INCELL



INCELL  Regenerative Medicine

INCELL is a GMP Contract manufacturer and services provider. Regenerative Medicine activities involve research, development, manufacturing and storage of cells and tissues and support products intended to repair, replace, renew or rejuvenate human cells, tissues and organs and to regenerate normal function. These include both autologous (self) and allogeneic donor cells and tissues.

  • Collection, Transport and Processing Solutions

    Collection, Transport and Processing Solutions

    INCELL makes GMP solutions for tissue and cell collection, transport and processing. The ZTM™ solutions are included in the collection kits.
  • Cryopreservation Media

    Cryopreservation Media

    INCELL has developed high quality GMP-manufactured cryopreservation and storage media for human cells and tissues. They are also useful with other mammalian cells and tissues.
  • Culture Media

    Culture Media

    General DescriptionTable 1 shows media designations and supplement options. M3ä Base Medium is a proprietary formula that is a serum-free, highly enriched liquid culture medium for human stem cells and other progenitor and fastidious cell types.
  • Proprietary Cell Lines

    Proprietary Cell Lines

    INCELL has established cell lines that are used for testing and research studies.  These cells are obtained through an entity signing a Cell Licensing and Material Transfer Agreement (CLMTA) and paying a licensing fee.
  • Special Order

    Special Order

  • Tissue Collection Kits

    Tissue Collection Kits

    Tissues are collected by qualified, registered and/or certified organ and tissue procurement entities according to legal and ethical requirements.  Tissues are sent to INCELL for direct processing into products, or as a source of regenerative or stem cells. As part of the agreements for procurement, either INCELL or the procurement entity will collect the tissues according to specifications and guidelines.

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