  • 产品名称:FirstLink

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  • 产品厂商:FirstLink
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1. Pricing and QuotationsFirstLink Prices of items that are listed in the brochure and on our website are ex-works; unless otherwise agreed, a delivery charge will be made to cover the cost of tertiary packaging, delivery, dry ice, special routing or timing. An administration charge of £5 may be made to orders under £50.FirstLink


FirstLink Material Origins

Where we quote an origin, it refers to a bona fide raw material country of origin. Further processing may be performed in other countries. Animal materials from many national origins can be supplied in order to provide you with economy and choice. Your choice of origin should be guided by your intended use: economical materials suitable for normal laboratory work may not be appropriate if you are working with cell lines or products destined for use outside the European Union, or for other than in vitro use. This is often informed by the health status of the national herd in the supply and recipient countries involved, which is liable to vary. Information can be sought from the Organisation International Epizootic web site, and from the government animal health authorities in countries concerned (DEFRA in the UK, AQUIS in Australia, APHIS in USA, and MAF in New Zealand, for example). As we are in frequent communication with these bodies, we can give outline advice on suitability for your work, and import/export issues. Please note that the European Community Regulation on Animal By-Products, 1774/2002, is currently being finalised for technical products. Our approval as a technical plant is 46/557/9083/ABP/TEC, and all animal derived materials leaving our site are categorised as Technical Products. Please feel free to discuss origin issues with us.

FirstLink Ordering & General Information

Ordering Information

We accept orders by telephone, fax, e-mail, and in writing. We need the following information:

the delivery and invoice addresses

your order number

the product description and quantity

any specific delivery requirements (such as date(s))

relevant quotation or reservation numbers

a VAT exemption certificate if required or

VAT number if you are in the European Community but outside the UK

all written confirmations of verbal orders should be marked as "Confirmation"

FirstLink Order Types

We supply against:

Immediate orders

Standing orders (where supply is on a continuous basis to a schedule)

Prepaid call off and prepaid standing orders (where the purchaser's material is stored until required).

Insurance of the stored goods is the purchaser's responsibility.

Handling Advice

Products are supplied for laboratory use only, and not for therapeutic, household or other uses. The absence of a hazard warning should not be taken to constitute an indication of safety. Our products are intended for use by suitably qualified professional people, who will safely handle and dispose of the products under current HSE and COSHH guidelines. Please note that unsuitable handling and storage of these materials of biological origin can result in new hazards beyond any present when the product was shipped, including microbiological growth.

FirstLink Samples & Reservations

We offer free evaluation samples of many bio-reagents. We also operate a reserved lot system with samples of individual batches of product: each reserve is allocated a reserve number and is held for a quoted period of time.

FirstLink Quotations

We quote for individual products, and discounts are often possible on larger quantities. Unless stated, the cost of shipping and VAT is in addition to the product cost. Unless otherwise stated, quotations are valid for 30 days.

FirstLink Custom Manufacture

If the bio-reagent you want is not listed below, it may be available none-the-less. We are also pleased to discuss individual requirements and custom manufacture. Species, country of origin and process method can often be tailored to your particular requirement. Just ask!

FirstLink Primary Recycling

We directly reuse cardboard and polystyrene packaging materials when ever possible without compromising the product in transit.

FirstLink Return of Products

If you wish to return goods for whatever reason, please contact First Link to obtain a Return Authorization, as no unanticipated deliveries are accepted. A brief written explanation of the reason for the return is required for Quality Assurance purposes.

FirstLink Terms and Conditions of Trade

1. Pricing and Quotations

Prices of items that are listed in the brochure and on our website are ex-works; unless otherwise agreed, a delivery charge will be made to cover the cost of tertiary packaging, delivery, dry ice, special routing or timing. An administration charge of £5 may be made to orders under £50.

Where an unusual charge is made by the client’s administrative system, this will be passed on at cost: for OB10 this is currently £2.

A quotation represents an invitation to trade and is valid for 30 days, unless stated otherwise: First Link may revise a quotation at any time prior to order acceptance. Quotations are made without reference to delivery costs (FOB), unless otherwise stated. Prices offered in quotations may be modified if the quantity ordered varies from the quoted quantities. We reserve the right to alter prices when currency fluctuations make this necessary.

2. Orders and Payment

First Link will supply against immediate orders, standing orders (where supply is on a continuous basis to a schedule), and call off orders (where the purchaser's material is stored until their required delivery date(s)). In the latter case, insurance of the stored goods is the purchaser's responsibility. Samples are provided solely to enable the purchaser to judge the quality and suitability of the goods for their needs and not as to constitute a sale by sample.

The goods are sold on the condition that the purchaser ensures that the goods are suitable for the purpose for which the purchaser intends to use them, and that First Link has no responsibility, liability or judgement as to the needs of the purchaser.

All written confirmations of verbal orders must be marked as "Confirmation", as First Link is otherwise unable to accept responsibility for duplicated orders.

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