
Digital solenoid diaphragm dosing pumps
with mechanical stroke length regulation
This pump represents the best compromise
between reliability, dosing precision, and ease of use. Designed on the back of
the positive customer experience gained from our Tekna Series, SEKO’s TEKBA
offers a modern and reliable product, a reference point in the base mounted
metering pump sector.
Display and keypad
TEKBA is programmable using a keypad and
the 2 line, 8 digit backlit display.
External signal connections
All the TEKBA pumps uses convenient
connectors external to the pump for signal input, in order to avoid opening the
pump to making connections.
Dosing mode
The pump head has a manual priming valve.
The flow rate can be manually or automatically adjusted, the latter using input
signals, across a range from 0 (pump stop) to 100% of the maximum flow rate.
Additionally, it comes equipped with a low-level alarm to stop the pump.
Materials used in the pump head
Ball Valves Ceramic
Diaphragm PTFE
The parts that come into contact with the
pumped liquid, have been chosen to be compatible with the chemicals most
commonly found in use.
Technical characteristics Flow rates: from
4 to 110 l/h
Max Pressure: 20 bar (290 psi)
Manual priming valve
Stroke length manually adjustable
Stabilized Multi Power Supply 100 - 240
Vac, 50/60 Hz offering reduced consumption Stroke rate: up to 300
Pump head: PVDF
Diaphragm: PTFE
Enclosure: PP reinforced with fiber glass
protection degree IP65
Base mounting
Installation Kit included
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