■ 96X96智能型设计酸碱度/氧化还原变送器
■ 具中英文操作界面
■ 户外防水型设计适合盘装、墙装、圆管安装
■ 大型LCM显示幕,具感应式背光设定功能
■ 图文显示符号清晰具流程指引容易操作
■ 提供电极自动清洗装置接点,程序设定输出
■ PC-3110台湾Suntex上泰变送器提供溶液接地功能,可消除样品带电干扰
■ 具3点自动校正;手动/自动温度补偿功能及末次校正信息
■ 密码锁及组合键进入设定、校正模式设计,增强**防护
■ PC-3110具两路0/4~20mA输出对应设定pH/ORP、Temp.
■ 具一路0/4-20mA输出以及RS-485界面输出
■ 可数字显示以及图表显示实时曲线、历史曲线等
■ 具50组事件纪录功能,载录警报、停电、校正…等信息
■ 具5点自动校正及校正曲线显示;并可自定义标准液图表
96 x 96mm Intelligent pH/ORP Transmitter
Waterproof and dustproof design
Solution-ground design eliminating interference of ground potential
Large LCM with auto-sense backlight and contrast setting function
User-friendly operation with text and graphic illustration, clear signs and easy to understand
Multi-Cal calibration, Tech. and NIST buffer automatic recognition
Max. 3-point calibration and the calibration line calculated by linear regression, the last calibration data displayable
With password and multi-key design-security protection enhancement
Automatic temperature compensation, NTC30K or PT 1000 selectable
Two sets of isolated current output at DC 0/4~20mA, max. load 500Ω
Hi/Lo, Hi/Hi, Lo/Lo selectable two limited contact outputs with programmable set-points and hysteresis
Gradually continuous sample measurements average function to enhance stability
Automatic sensor clean function with programmable time interval
LED indicated alarm or washing status signal
*PID Control Function: P, PI, PD, PID control
*PID Control Output: Pulse Length, Pulse Frequency, Analogout
What’s included? 2 Panel Mounting clips, pH 4, pH 7 buffer solutions,
Plastic L shaped electrode holder support, Precision driver for wiring
Optional Accessories:
1. pH electrode 9. Junction box
2. ORP electrode 10. Flow-through chamber
3. PT-1000 ATC probe 11. Immersion electrode holder 1M, 2M and 3M
4. NTC 30KΩ ATC probe 12. Industrial electrode protection housing/fitting
5. Field indication transmitter 13. Extension cable
6. pH buffer solutions 14. Sensor cleaning kit
7. ORP buffer solutions 15. Sun shield
8. Cleaning solutions 16. Stainless holder support base
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