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- 产品名称:美国帕斯菲达pulsafeeder机械隔膜计量泵X2-100加药泵
- 产品型号:流量:15.7L/H,压力:7Bar
- 产品展商:pulsafeeder帕斯菲达
- 产品文档:无相关文档
- 发布时间:2016-12-14
- 在线询价
流量:15.7L/H,压力:7Bar,美国帕斯菲达pulsafeeder机械隔膜计量泵X2-100加药泵为特殊使用场所而设计之高压计量泵 *高效率风冷式马达,油浸式齿轮箱 *金属增强隔膜,短距离动作冲程,寿命长 *计量**,输出量可随意调整 *高扭力齿轮组,确保高压力时顺利启动运转.
*为特殊使用场所而设计之高压计量泵 *高效率风冷式马达,油浸式齿轮箱 *金属增强隔膜,短距离动作冲程,寿命长 *计量**,输出量可随意调整 *高扭力齿轮组,确保高压力时顺利启动运转

1. Install the pump in a place convenient for its future maintenance and inspection, then fix it to prevent vibration.
2. Protective caps must be removed prior to installing tubing onto valve assemblies. Use tubing of specified size. Connect the tubing to the suction side securely to prevent the entranee of outside air. Make sure that there is no liquid leakage on the discharge side.
3. Each pump is equipped with a three-prong plug. Always be sure the pump is grounded. To disconnect, do not pull wire, but grip the plug with fingers and pull out.
4. Chemicals used may be dangerous and should be used carefully and according to warnings on the label. Follow the di recti ons give n with each type of chemical. Do not assume chemicals are the same because they look alike. Always store chemicals in a safe location away from children and others. We cannot be responsible for the misuse of chemicals being fed by the pump. Always have the material safety data sheet (MSDS) available for any fluid being pumped.
5. Arrows on the pump head and injection fitting indicate chemical flow. When properly installed, these arrows should be pointing upward.
6. When metering hazardous material NO NOT use plastic tubing. Strictly use proper rigid pipe. Consult supplier for special adaptors or valve assemblies.
7. Standard white discharge tubing is not recommended for installations exposed to direct sunlight. Consult supplier for special black tubing.
8. When using pump with pressurized systems, make sure the pressure of the system does not exceeatne maximum pressure rating on the pump data label. Be sure to de-pressurize system prior to hookup or disconnecting the metering pumps.
9. If the discharge point is below the liquid level of the source or it the discharge pressure is less than the suction pressure, siphoning may occur. To correct this condition, install an anti-siphon valve or other anti-siphon device. Check local regulations which may apply. (Ref. Figure H).
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