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- 产品名称:美国帕斯菲达pulsafeeder机械隔膜计量泵X253加药泵
- 产品型号:流量:12.1L/H,压力:15.75Bar
- 产品展商:pulsafeeder帕斯菲达
- 产品文档:无相关文档
- 发布时间:2016-12-14
- 在线询价
流量:12.1L/H,压力:15.75Bar,美国帕斯菲达pulsafeeder机械隔膜计量泵X253加药泵为特殊使用场所而设计之高压计量泵 *高效率风冷式马达,油浸式齿轮箱 *金属增强隔膜,短距离动作冲程,寿命长 *计量**,输出量可随意调整 *高扭力齿轮组,确保高压力时顺利启动运转.流量:12.1L/H,压力:15.75Bar,美国帕斯菲达pulsafeeder机械隔膜计量泵X253加药泵
200、250系列机械隔膜计量泵 流量:12.1L/H,压力:15.75Bar,美国帕斯菲达pulsafeeder机械隔膜计量泵X253加药泵的详细介绍
*为特殊使用场所而设计之高压计量泵 *高效率风冷式马达,油浸式齿轮箱 *金属增强隔膜,短距离动作冲程,寿命长 *计量**,输出量可随意调整 *高扭力齿轮组,确保高压力时顺利启动运转

Series 200 metering pumps are diaphragmtype feed pumps. A fluid is pumpea from a chemical storage tank to the point of injection by the pulsing action of the diaphragm. The four cneck valves (top and bottom of pump head, strainer assembly, and injection assembly) keep the fluid flowing toward the point of discharge. To insure the solution being pumped can only go forward it is important that all check valves provide positive, non-leaking backflow prevention.
The wetted end (those parts that contact the solution being pumped) is constructed of acrylic, PVC, TFE, CPTFE, Hypalon® and polyethylene. These materials are very resistant to most chemicals. However, there are some chemicals, such as strong acids or organic solvents, which cause deterioration of some elastomer and plastic parts, such as diaphragm, valve seat, or head. Alternate materials such as Viton®, polypropylene and 316-SST are available on request.
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