1. Identification of the substance and company information;
物质与公司信息 2. Composition/information on ingredients;成分信息 3. Hazards identification;有害标示 4. First-aid measures;急救措施 5. Fire-fighting measures;消防措施 6. Accidental release measures;意外泄露处置方法 7. Handling and storage;处置和储存 8. Exposure controls/personal protection;暴露控制及个人防护 9. Physical and chemical properties:理化特性 10.Stability and reactivity;稳定性及反应活性 11.Toxicological information;毒性资料 12.Ecological information;生态资料 13.Disposal considerations;废弃注意事项 14.Transport information;运输信息 15.Regulatory information;法规信息 16.Other information.其他信息