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日期:2025-02-25 06:42
公司简介: 荣成市好佳好水产食品有限公司于2011年4月成立,是一家综合性的水产食品加工企业位于美丽富饶的石岛湾畔,依山傍海,环境优雅,气候宜人,交通便利发展前景广阔。公司占地面积2 万平方米,冷库贮存能力达到8000 吨,拥有3800 平方米的全封闭加工车间,日加工能力60 吨。公司现有职工及专业技术人员300 余人。车间设计合理,设备配套齐全,拥有面包糠、速冻沾粉系列、鱿鱼精加工、干制海产品生产线各一条,及其他多种食品专用设备。规模达到国内同行业**水平。公司本着“****,价格优惠,品种多样,服务及时”的宗旨,积极与国内外客户联系沟通,研发多种适销对路的产品,以满足客户对产品销售需求的不断增长,共同达到双赢的目标。荣成市好佳好水产食品有限公司真诚期待您的支持与合作!
Company Profile: Rongcheng city Haojiahao Aquatic Food Co,Ltd. was established in August 2011. Ilt is acomprehensive aquatic food processing enterprise. lt is located on the beautiful and richShidao Bay. lt has a beautiful environment, pleasant climate, convenient transportationand broad prospects for development. The company covers an area of 20,000 square meters, cold storage capacity of 8,000 tons.with 3800 square meters offully enclosed processing workshop, daily processing capacityof 60 tons. The company has more than 300 employees and professional and technicapersonnel. Workshop design is reasonable, complete equipment , with bread crumb.frozen dipping powder series, squid finishing, dry seafood production lines, and a varietyof other special food equipment. The scale has reached the first-class level of the sameindustry in China.In line with the tenet of "quality first, price concessions, variety, timely service", thecompany actively communicates with customers at home and abroad, and develops avariety of marketable products to meet the growing demand of customers for productsales and achieve win-win goals . Rongcheng city Haojiahao Aquatic Food Co,Ltd. sincerely look forward to your supportand cooperation.
真鳕鱼Cod;太平洋真鳕鱼Cod-Pacific;阿拉斯加狭鳕鱼Pollock-Alaska;蓝鳕鱼Whiting-Blue;赤贝ArkShell;扇贝Scallop;鱿鱼Squid;裹浆类水产品Seafood-Battered;裹屑类水产品Seafood- Breaded;油炸类水产品Seafood-Fried;冷冻海产品Seafood-Frozen;调味类水产品Seafood-Seasoned;深加工海产品Seafood-ValueAdded;面包虾Shrimp-Breaded;
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