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日期:2025-02-25 06:33
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公司简介: 华测检测认证集团股份有限公司成立于2003年,总部位于深圳,是第三方检测与认证服务的开拓者和**者,中国检测认证行业头个上市公司(股票代码:300012),为全球客户提供一站式测试、检验、认证、计量、审核、培训及技术服务,致力于在政府、企业和消费者之间传递信任,以“为品质生活传递信任”为使命,**保障品质与**,推动合规与**,实现更健康、更**、更环保的高质量发展。CTI华测检测在全球90多个城市设立150多间实验室,拥有12,000多名优良员工,服务能力已**覆盖到纺织服装及鞋包、婴童玩具及轻工产品、电子电器、医药及医学、食品及农产品、化妆品及日化用品、能源化工、环境、建材及建筑工程、工业装备及制造、轨道交通、汽车和航空材料、芯片及半导体,低碳环保和绿色认证、海事服务、数字化认证等相关行业及其供应链上下游产业的服务。CTI华测检测不仅是中国国家强制性产品认证(CCC)指定认证机构;中国合格评定国家认可委员会(CNAS)和检验检测机构资质认定(CMA)机构,也是欧盟NB指定认证机构;新加坡认可的国家认证机构。CTI华测检测也先后被美国、英国、加拿大、挪威、墨西哥、德国等海外国家权威机构认可并授权合作。基于遍布全球的服务网络和权威公信力,CTI华测检测每年可出具390多万份检测认证报告,服务客户逾十万家,其中世界五百强客户逾百家。CTI华测检测自主建立国内头个民营第三方检测认证专业研究机构-华测集团研究院,致力于增强技术自主**能力和核心竞争力、推动中国标准和中国制造走向世界。CTI华测检测研究院承担多个地方公共检测服务平台等政府公益服务项目,承担10多项国家973计划、科技支撑计划、公益性行业科研专项等国家-级项目,牵头科技部国家重点研发计划“新兴产业集成化检验检测服务平台研发与应用”项目,已申请国家**568项,并参与国家多项检测标准制定,成为50多个国家标准化技术委员会/分委会委员,参与制定修改国际、国家、行业已发布标准590多项。你的生活里,华测无处不在。
Company Profile: Established in Shenzhen in 2003, Centre Testing International Group Co., Ltd. (CTI) is China’s leading independent third party testing, inspection & certification company and the first to publicly listed (stock code: 300012). As a market leader, CTI supports clients as a one-stop solution for testing, inspection, certification, calibration, audit, training & technical services. Our mission is to create trust between regulators, enterprises and end consumers, and we are committed to fulfilling our mission statement to “Building Trust for a Better Life” and ensure healthier, safer, and more sustainable economic development. CTI are diversified across a range of industries and product categories, with more than 12,000 employees operating a network of more than 150 laboratories in over 90 cities around the world. CTI’s core capabilities include textiles & apparels, footwear, bags & accessories, toys & hardgoods, electronic & electrical appliances, pharma and clinical, agriculture and food, cosmetics & daily chemical products, petrochemicals, environment & sustainability, building materials & construction works, industrial equipment & manufacturing, rail transit, automotive & aviation materials, chips and semiconductors, low carbon environmental and green certification, maritime services, digital certification and etc. CTI is a fully accredited laboratory and verification services provider with a scope of services covering both domestic and international regulatory compliance. Our accreditations include China Compulsory Certification (CCC), the China National Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment (CNAS) and the China Metrology Accreditation (CMA), as well as European Commission Notified Body (NB) in Europe, and national certification programs for Singapore, USA, UK, Canada, Norway, Mexico, and Germany. Leveraging a worldwide network and regulatory expertise, CTI issues more than 3.9 million test and certification reports each year, and serves more than 100,000 clients, including over 100 companies listed in the Fortune 500. Established by CTI as an independent body, the CTI Research Institute is the first private third-party research institution in China. The CTI Research Institute contributes to the continuous improvement of China’s innovation capabilities and industrial competitiveness, with the aim of enhancing the reputation of Chinese standards and Made-in-China products globally. The CTI Research Institute has been entrusted with supervising government public service projects including public test programs, and is a primary contributor to more than 10 national projects under the National Scientific Research Program initiatives. These include the National Technology R&D Program, the National Public Welfare Industry Research Program, and taking the lead on the “Development and Application of Integrated Inspection and Testing Services for Emerging Industries” initiative under the Ministry of Science and Technology. In additional, the CTI Research Institute has contributed to 568 national patents, and has been selected as a member of over 50 national standardization technical committees & sub-committees, while also participating in the development and revision of over 590 international, national and industry standards including GB and ISO. CTI is always by your side.
即食类水产品 Seafood-Prepared/Ready-to-eat;水产品配料 Seafood Sauce;裹浆类水产品 Seafood-Battered;裹屑类水产品 Seafood-Breaded;罐头类水产品 Seafood-Canned;干鲜类水产品 Seafood-Dried;生鲜海产品 Seafood-Fresh;油炸类水产品 Seafood-Fried;冷冻海产品 Seafood-Frozen;腌制类水产品 Seafood-Marinated;烤制类水产品 Seafood-Roasted;盐渍类水产品 Seafood-Salted;调味类水产品 Seafood-Seasoned;串烧类水产品 Seafood-Skewer;烟熏类水产品 Seafood-Smoked;深加工海产品 Seafood-ValueAdded;寿司产品 Sushi;标签 Tags;添加剂 Additives;HACCP认证系统 HACCPSystems;
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