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日期:2025-02-23 03:13
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公司简介: 欢迎来到环球金枪渔业集团!我们是一家总部位于北京的全球性海鲜进出口企业,我们的远洋船队公司在2012年获得中国农业部中国远洋渔业企业资格,为我们的海鲜产品提供了*可靠的来源。我们的船队在印度洋海域和太平洋岛国海域捕捞大目和黄鳍金枪鱼、长鳍金枪鱼、以及延绳钓鱼类的金枪鱼,同时我们也在大西洋的摩洛哥领海捕捞金枪鱼。我们的产品不仅丰富,而且上等新鲜,符合国际食品卫生标准。我们在斐济设有船舶和货物代理公司,为我们的海外业务提供支持;并且在北京设有销售公司,以便更好地与客户沟通和协调;我们还在海南三亚与广东省科学院合作设有金枪鱼冷冻及解冻技术研发中心,以保证我们的产品能够保持新鲜度和质量。我们是一家集产、销、研为一体的全产业链企业,同时我们在海外设有子公司。其中,澳海生鲜公司专注于澳大利亚精美食品的进口和推广销售,主营产品包括蓝鳍金枪鱼、三文鱼和澳洲龙虾。我们致力于将*好的海鲜产品带给全球客户,并保证产品的品质和新鲜度。
Company Profile: Welcome to Global Tuna Fishery Group!We are a global seafood import and export enterprise headquartered in Beijing. Our offshore fleet company obtained the qualification of China's offshore fishery enterprise from the Ministry of Agriculture in 2012, which provides us with the most reliable source for our seafood products.Our fleet catches bigeye tuna, yellowfin tuna, albacore tuna, and other tuna species through longline fishing in the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Islands, as well as Atlantic bluefin tuna through pole and line fishing in Moroccan waters. Our products are not only diverse but also of high quality and freshness, meeting international food safety standards.We have a ship and cargo agency in Fiji to support our overseas operations, a sales company in Beijing for better communication and coordination with our clients, and a technology research and development center for frozen and thawed tuna in collaboration with Guangdong Academy of Sciences in Sanya, Hainan. Our integration of production, sales, and research makes us a full industry chain enterprise. Moreover, we have subsidiaries overseas, including AusSea Fresh, which specializes in importing and promoting Australian fine foods such as bluefin tuna, salmon, and Australian lobster.We are committed to providing the best seafood products to our global customers while ensuring the quality and freshness of our products. We look forward to meeting you at the fishery expo where we can showcase our products and services. If you have any questions or needs, please feel free to contact us, and we will do our best to provide you with the highest quality service.
鲭鱼/鲐鱼 Mackerel;鲯鳅 Mahi Mahi;油魚 Oilfish;三文鱼 Salmon;大西洋鲑鱼 Salmon-Atlantic;秋鲑 Salmon-Chum;三文鱼/秋鲑 Salmon-Pacific;粉鲑 Salmon-Pink;沙丁鱼 Sardines;鲨鱼 Shark;剑鱼 Swordfish;鳟鱼 Trout;虹鳟鱼 Trout-Rainbow;金枪鱼 Tuna;长鳍金枪鱼 Tuna-Albacore;大眼金枪鱼 Tuna-Bigeye;蓝鳍金枪鱼 Tuna-Bluefin;正鲣鱼 Tuna-Skipjack;黄鳍金枪鱼 Tuna-Yellowfin;黄尾鱼 Yellowtail;蛤/杂色蛤 Clam/Clam-Baby;龙虾 Lobster;岩龙虾 Lobster-Rock;贻贝 Mussel;绿贻贝 Mussel-Greenshell;牡蛎 Oyster;牡丹虾 Prawn-Spot;海洋扇贝 Scallop-Sea;海螯虾 Scampi;北极甜虾 Shrimp-Coldwater;生鲜海产品 Seafood-Fresh;冷冻海产品 Seafood-Frozen;冷冻/冷藏设施 Freezers / Chillers;冷冻设备 Freezing;制冷设备 Refrigeration;
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