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日期:2025-02-23 05:09
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公司简介: 浙江兴业集团有限公司专业从事海洋水产品精深加工、海洋生物制品研发与生产、国内外贸易,由舟山市属重点国企浙江盛达海洋股份有限公司(原舟山**海洋渔业公司)和世界500强企业日本玛鲁哈日鲁株式会社共同出资设立。公司地处舟山国家远洋渔业基地,依托优越的地理位置,收购上等海洋水产品原料,通过初加工、精加工和深加工,实现对海洋渔业资源的开发利用。公司现有8个现代化加工厂、2座万吨级冷库及现代化冷链配套设施,年产能超过10万吨。主要产品涵盖舟山带鱼、鲳鱼、鲭鱼、超低温金枪鱼、鲣鱼、狭鳕鱼、银鳕鱼、长寿鱼等鱼类以及鱼加工制品,鱿鱼调理食品,虾、蟹等甲壳类及虾、蟹制品,鱼糜及鱼糜制品,海洋保健品、海洋调味品、海洋生物提取物等海洋生物制品。“兴业”商号为浙江省知名商号。
Company Profile: Co-founded by Zhejiang Shengda Ocean Co., Ltd.(former Zhoushan Second Marine Fishery Co., Ltd.), a key state- owned enterprise in Zhoushan City and Maruha Nichiro, a Foryune 500 company in Japan, Zhejiang Industrial Group Co., Ltd. is engaged in fine/deep processing of marine aquatic products,R&D and production of marine biological products, and domestic and foreign trade. Leveraging the advantageous geographical position of Zhoushan National Pelagic Fishery Base where it sits, the Company develops and utilizes marine fishery resources by primary, fine and deep processing of purchased high-quality raw materials for marine aquatic products. Its capacity exceeds 100,000 tons per year with eight modern processing factories, two 10,000-ton cold storage facilities and modern cold chain supporting facilities. The company main offers various Fishes such as Zhoushan sourcing Ribbonfish, Pomfret, Yellow croaker, Mackerel ultra-cryogenic Tuna, Skipjack, Pollaock, Patagonian Toothfish, Orange Roughy and other Fish products processed; Squid and Cephalopods products; Shrimp, Crab and other Crustaceans products; Surimi and Surimi-based products; marine biological products such as marine health products, marine condiments and marine biological extracts. "XINGYE" is a well-known trade name in Zhejiang Province.
银鲳 Butterfish;鲆鱼 Flounder;鲳鱼 Pomfret;金枪鱼 Tuna;舟山带鱼、鲳鱼、鲭鱼、超低温金枪鱼、鲣鱼、狭鳕鱼、银鳕鱼、长寿鱼 Zhoushan sourcingRibbonfish, Pomfret, Yellow croaker,Mackerel ultra-cryogenic Tuna, Skipjack, Pollaock, Patagonian Toothfish, Orange Roughy;梭子蟹 Crab-Swimming;南美白虾 Shrimp-Vannamei;船冻海捕虾,阿根廷红虾 sea shrimp, Argentine shrimp;章鱼 Octopus;阿根廷鱿鱼 Squid-Illex;鱼丸 FishBalls;鱼粉/鱼油 Fishmeal/Fish Oil;裹浆类水产品 Seafood-Battered;裹屑类水产品 Seafood-Breaded;油炸类水产品 Seafood-Fried;冷冻海产品 Seafood-Frozen;调味类水产品 Seafood-Seasoned;烟熏类水产品 Seafood-Smoked;深加工海产品 Seafood-ValueAdded;鱼糜 Surimi;
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