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日期:2025-02-23 05:01
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公司简介: 广东杏泰酒业有限公司是湛江台商协会会长企业——博尚生技实业(湛江)有限公司旗下子公司,母公司专注对虾产业30多年,系“广东省农业龙头企业”、“广东省高新科技企业”、“广东省专精特新企业”。广东杏泰生物有限公司是一家研发、生产、销售绿色健康食品的生产厂家,投入资金2500万元。生产技术和设备来自于台湾,与台湾澎湖科技大学技术合作,采用**无药残鲜虾,利用现代生物科技技术酿造零甲醇的对虾精酿酒及综合蔬果酵素和各类烘焙食品,其中公司**研发的对虾精酿酒,采用湛江的天然无污染海虾为原料,经特殊工艺深层发酵、多次蒸馏、陈化等近20道工序酿造而成,天然无添加,酒花晶莹饱满,酒香馥郁优雅,拥有醇厚分明、柔顺爽净的亚热带海洋风味,产品经国际SGS检测不含甲醇,荣获国家发明**,香醇独特,空杯留香,回甘不上头,品牌系列有“贝康食品”、:“虾之萃”等。公司以追求产品质量为生存之本,以满足消费者的需求为目标,具有一体化的销售服务,产品销售面向国内代理,商超,出口等各渠道,欢迎惠顾!地址:广东湛江市霞山区华港工业区华港路六号电话:13828289077 400 8119386网址:www.gdxtsw.com
Company Profile: Enterprise IntroductionGuangdong Xingtai Liquor Industry Co., Ltd. is a subsidiary of Boshang Biotechnology Industry (Zhanjiang) Co., Ltd., a chairman enterprise of the Zhanjiang Taiwan Merchants Association. The parent company has focused on the shrimp industry for more than 30 years and is a "leading agricultural enterprise in Guangdong Province", "high-tech enterprise in Guangdong Province", and "specialized, refined, and new enterprise in Guangdong Province".Guangdong Xingtai Biological Co., Ltd. is a manufacturer that researches, produces, and sells green and healthy food, with an investment of 25 million yuan. The production technology and equipment come from Taiwan, and we have collaborated with Penghu University of Science and Technology in Taiwan to use safe, drug-free, and residue free fresh shrimp. We use modern biotechnology technology to brew zero methanol shrimp essence for brewing, as well as comprehensive vegetable and fruit enzymes and various baked goods. Among them, the company's innovative research and development of shrimp essence brewing uses natural pollution-free shrimp from Zhanjiang as raw materials, and is brewed through nearly 20 processes such as special deep fermentation, multiple distillation, and aging, Natural without additives, the hops are crystal clear and full, with a rich and elegant aroma. It has a rich, smooth, and refreshing subtropical marine flavor. The product has been tested by international SGS and does not contain methanol, and has won a national invention patent. The fragrance is unique, leaving a lingering fragrance in an empty cup, and the aftertaste is not good. The brand series includes "Beikang Food" and "Shrimp Extract".The company's survival is based on the pursuit of product quality, with the goal of meeting the needs of consumers. It has integrated sales services, and its products are sold to various channels such as national agents, supermarkets, and exports. Welcome to visit!Address: No. 6 Huagang Road, Huagang Industrial Zone, Xiashan District, Zhanjiang City, Guangdong ProvinceTel: 13828289077 400 8119386Website: www.gdxtsw.com
干虾 Shrimp-Dried;虾酿酒 Shrimp Brewing;
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