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日期:2025-02-23 11:44
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公司简介: 三方圆-第三方监管智慧管家多级政府委托合作的第三方监管品牌三方圆成立于2000年,总部位于深圳,是国内*早从事食品农产品**检测与监管服务的大型综合性专业机构,国家-级高新技术企业。三方圆旗下拥有三方圆检测监管服务有限公司、三方圆生物科技股份有限公司和吃德安科技(深圳)有限公司,在贵州、湖南等地均建有分公司。为客户提供食品**领域快速检测、定量检测、智慧监管、快检设备与试剂、智慧食安与大数据运营软件开发等专业服务。以智慧管家的**服务,提供定制化系统解决方案,致力于让政府、企业和消费者三方满意,独立诚信,传递信任。三方圆以成为食品**第三方监管**品牌为愿景,以让天下人吃上**放心的食品为使命,致力于用大数据让食品**更透明。三方圆将携手合作伙伴,共同塑造值得信任、更加**的美好社会。
Company Profile: A third-party supervision brand entrusted by the governments at different levels Founded in 2000, Shenzhen-based SanFangYuan is the earliest large, professional, comprehensive organization specializing in food and agricultural product safety testing and supervision. SanFangYuan, as a national high-tech firm, has consistently achieved progress over the past 2 decades and has obtained national and provincial testing and supervision qualifications, such as CMA, CNAS, and CATL. The Company has established a complete industrial chain, including R&D and production, testing supervision, software platform development, etc. As a third-party supervision service brand entrusted by governments at various levels, the Company could help customers reduce safety risks, facilitate the rapid growth of their businesses, build a brand, and assist government authorities and enterprises in ensuring food safety. SanFangYuan has established Shenzhen SanFangYuan Biotechnology Co., Ltd., Shenzhen SanFangYuan Testing Supervision Service Co., Ltd., and Chide’an Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd., as well as some branches in Guizhou Province, Hunan Province, etc., respectively. This is to help provide customers with professional services such as rapid testing, quantitative testing, intelligent supervision, rapid inspection equipment and reagents, intelligent food safety, and the development of big data operation software in the food safety field. SanFangYuan, with its exceptional smart assistant services, provides tailored system solutions that could satisfy the government, enterprises, and consumers based on the principles of independence, honesty, and trust. SanFangYuan is committed to making food safety more transparent by virtue of big data in order to achieve the corporate mission of being the first brand of a third-party food safety supervision platform and ensuring food safety for people globally. The Company would like to join hands with all partners to build a more trustworthy and safe society.
检测设备 Inspections;质量保险 QualityAssurance;检测试剂盒 Test kit;
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