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日期:2025-02-23 11:23
Country and region中国大陆公司简介:舟山国家远洋渔业基地于2015年4月获农业部批建设,是头个国家·级远洋渔业基地。基地区块功能定位为“一港一城一区一中心”即建设远洋渔业现代化专业母港、国际水产城、远洋水产品加工冷链物流区、远洋修造船中心。基地核心区位于舟山本岛北部,规划面积6.23平方公里,拥有深水岸线总长7.6公里,码头27座,已建成国内**的3座万吨级远洋渔业专用码头、现代海洋食品产业园和全省密度*高的50万吨总库容量冷库集群,配套完备的污水处理和集中供热设施。目前基地已打造成为国内**的远洋渔业先行示范基地和展示现代渔业重要窗口的标志性亮点。已形成的鱿鱼、金枪鱼等指数,实现大宗水产品的“舟山价格”。Company Profile:The Zhoushan National Offshore Fishery Base, approved for construction by the Ministry of Agriculture in April 2015, is the first national-level offshore fishery base. The functional positioning of the base is “one port, one city, one zone, one center,” which means constructing a modern specialized mother port for offshore fisheries, an international aquatic product city, an offshore aquatic product processing cold chain logistics zone, and an offshore shipbuilding center. The core area of the base is located in the northern part of Zhoushan Island, with a planned area of 6.23 square kilometers, a total length of deep-water shoreline of 7.6 kilometers, and 27 docks. It has built three leading 10,000-ton-class specialized docks for offshore fisheries nationwide, a modern marine food industry park, and the province’s highest-density cluster of cold storage facilities with a total capacity of 500,000 tons, along with complete supporting sewage treatment and centralized heating facilities. Currently, the base has been developed into a leading national demonstration base for offshore fisheries and a prominent showcase window for modern fisheries. Indexes such as squid and tuna have been established, achieving the “Zhoushan price” for bulk aquatic products.主要产品:
Product长鳍金枪鱼 Tuna-Albacore;大眼金枪鱼 Tuna-Bigeye;正鲣鱼 Tuna-Skipjack;黄鳍金枪鱼 Tuna-Yellowfin;鱿鱼 Squid;阿根廷鱿鱼 Squid-Illex;冷藏/仓储 ColdStorage/Warehousing;电子商务 E-Commerce;金融保险服务 Finance/Insurance;物流服务 LogisticalService;
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